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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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5:2 and gluten free
12 Apr 2013, 10:49

My husband and I have recently started on the 5:2 regime ( I don't call it a diet). John lives away from home 4 days per week for work commitments. I usually cook his meals and after a 10-11 hour shift all he needs to do is warm them up in the microwave. He has coeliac disease so his meals need to be gluten free. Very hard to impossible to find ready made meals at the best of times let alone low calorie ones. Salads are great, but difficult to make in advance. Does anyone have any low calorie recipes for easy to reheat gluten free dinners? Thank you for your help
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
12 Apr 2013, 10:59
Soups and stews will be your friend! Any veggies - leeks, courgettes, aubergines, celery, mushrooms - in a stock or some tomato passata. You could add beans for protein, any tinned ones like red kidney, chickpeas, pinto, or lentils. I make up a batch of this when I'm clearing out the vegetable drawer, and freeze it in individual portions for my lunches. Spruce it up before serving with some grated cheese or some chopped parsley.
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
12 Apr 2013, 11:08
Hi there

I am in exactly the same boat as I have Coeliacs disease and have recently taken up the 5:2 diet. Although having said that in some ways it is easier as I can't eat the calorie laden bread anyway!

I have found that soups and salads are the way to go - soups could be your answer here. There are many canned and fresh soups available that are gluten free, and all the brands I've looked at have the allergy information on as well as the calories. For example the Baxters canned Chicken Broth is only something like 126 cals a can. Of course if your husband is saving up all calories to the end of the day he could find a chunkier soup (the Covent Garden ones can have 2 of your 5 a day in!) or even have a gluten free roll with it (though I found the gluten free breads not so nice and full of calories!!!)

There are some ready meals available like Chicken Kormas etc that are gluten free and border round the 600 calories mark, though I've been on the diet since mid Feb and so far have stuck to fresh veg, salads, scrambled egg and soups! Or of course homemeade soups but that's more guess work on the calories and I've liked knowing exactly where I stand!

Good luck, I've lost 8lb so far and have found this really works for me. Since becoming seriously ill with a twisted bowel in 2011 and subsequently being diagnosed with Coeliacs I actually found it very hard to lose weight and this is the only method that seems to have worked for me! I have about another half a stone to lose and then am wondering whether I will switch to one day for maintenance or keep at 2.

Would be interested to hear from other Coeliacs doing the 5:2!

Re: 5:2 and gluten free
12 Apr 2013, 11:32
Coeliac is total pain but I don't find 5:2 makes life any harder. Part of the problem when eating out is that there is serious misunderstanding of what it entails, and not just with regard to hidden gluten and cross contamination, but with even the simple basics. My son is a chef and only just managed to stop a colleague giving a customer who had requested gluten free a plate of couscous! Obviously trhe customer would have sent it back but it doesn't make the staff look good does it? :confused:

I went to a big function a couple of years ago and had ordered gluten free. I thought I was OK. The waiter picked me out immediately and brought me a beautiful fruit starter and reassured me that the main course was fine for me and contained no gluten or wheat. The desserts came round and he served mine with no comment. It was an assortment of mini desserts. I got to the bottom of the last shot glass and we were all chatting so I never noticed the large spoonful of biscuit crumb. I hoped it was a gluten free crumb but I was taken really ill during the night and the whole weekend was spoilt.

Have you tried M&S for ready prepared stuff? They tend not to do a specific section of Free From like the other supermarkets but they do have a lot of stuff that is labelled gluten free on the allergy panel. Several of Sainsbury's canned soups are gluten free and last time I was there they appeared to have some sachet meals in the ambient range that only needed a microwave. Can't say I checked them out though as I'm not big on pre-packed.
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
12 Apr 2013, 11:49
Thanks, but we live in Australia and we don't has a M & S here. We do have a very good range of gluten free foods, but not a lot in the ready made meals. Will continue to make soups etc for him and look to see if I can vary others to make them GF.
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
12 Apr 2013, 11:55
annemiekeholmes wrote: Thanks, but we live in Australia and we don't has a M & S here. We do have a very good range of gluten free foods, but not a lot in the ready made meals. Will continue to make soups etc for him and look to see if I can vary others to make them GF.

Check out La Zuppa soups. You can buy them at Coles or Woolworths. I know you are making soups for your OH but I find that when I am short of time that they are great to grab and go.
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
12 Apr 2013, 12:13
I stay away from gluten too. I make soup, which is very thick, more like a stew, in a big batch and freeze serving size lots. Most days I heat a serving and then take a thermos of soup/stew for lunch. Not a lot of ready made meals here in Canada, at least in the towns around here. Zehr's (grocery) usually has hot chicken and roasted potatoes, but that is the only thing I would trust for gluten-free.
I usually make bread with a gluten-free mix. My sandwiches would be sliced chicken or ham. Not on fasting days, of course. I slice the fresh bread and freeze that too.
Gluten free is a challenge.
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
12 Apr 2013, 12:23
I just avoid grains in general. The gluten free versions of things are always gritty in texture and the ingredients panel usually reads more like a recipe for a household cleaner than a food product! I'm not bothered about pasta but I do miss good, home-made bread.
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
13 Apr 2013, 05:42
I too have coeliacs desease. I have just joined the 5.2 forum. So much information its great. I have only been doing the diet for just over a week and so far am thrilled. Although I must say I haven't yet figured out the best times to eat and what to eat on fast days. I live in New Zealand and we are lucky that we have good access to super gluten free foods. I am busy reading and looking up low calorie recipes for inspiration. Any ideas will be greatfully received.
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
17 Apr 2013, 10:52
Thank You! I have been researching this diet for ages but was worried that my Gluten and Dairy intolerances would hinder the program but I'm looking forward to spending the weekend shopping and planning so I can kick start it on Monday :)
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
17 Apr 2013, 11:02
What about making some curries, or pasta sauces you can serve with shredded greens instead of pasta?
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
18 Oct 2014, 00:01
My husband is brother raves about the 5::2 diet so we are contemplating it. To help hubby with meal he can reheat - thick veggie soups you make then he can add his choice of beans. Lentil soup is always great. Salads- tell him to buy per packed washed from woollies or coles and add tuna.great meal. Also if you par cook steak and he then microwaves and adds frozen veggies perfect.our supermarkets have gotten better. If you can get to About life stores they have great gluten free pre prepared meals guaranteed coeliac friendly .hope this helps.
Re: 5:2 and gluten free
19 Oct 2014, 03:48
Welcome @irenex :like: :clover: :like: :clover:
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