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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 12:27
Does anybody else like the fast days? - I seem to enjoy going into the kitchen - cooking meals for my family - spending my day around food but not actually eating until late evening not even so much as licking the spoon - should I be worried about this? Barbara
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 12:37
Erm not sure - I like some fast days as I can get a burst of energy part way through and really feel up to being active and doing stuff.

Is it because you don't need to think about what to eat, how much etc apart from for one meal?

I'm impressed that you are happy cooking for your family while fasting - I can feel quite annoyed with other people happily eating when I am not!! (on fast days I should say, and not always...)
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 12:49
Hi Barbara

I also enjoy cooking for my family on fast days. I usually cook things for them that I don't like to eat and they do, which works out really great.

Don't worry about things that could spoil this for you, just enjoy the fact that you are enjoying this WOE. You are doing this for you and you must take every positive and celebrate it.

I also feel energetic, lighter and in control; what more could you ask for? :)
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 12:54
I enjoy fast days as I feel lighter, happier and more energetic!
I do enjoy cooking but I can't help licking the spoon :)
Glad you're finding it so easy!
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 13:28
Good! Thought it was only me. I look forward to fast days - Mondays & Wednesdays - see them as a treat now.
After Wednesday I'm sad that my next fast is 5 days away!!!! Am I going mad? lol So I do a mini fast on Friday at work - they do say don't have same amount of cals every feed day so have ~ 800-900 cals that day.On other feed days I don't cal count at all & have been quite bad - no very bad recently but still losing ~1lb a week & that's fine by me. Loving 5:2 :heart:
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 13:38
I am fasting tomorrow - can't say I am really looking forward to it except maybe for that lighter feeling you get. I really miss breakfast - not from a hungry sense it is just I like cereal!!
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 14:10
I know exactly how you feel, and in fact I was just talking to DH about this an hour ago! Bizarre as I find it myself, I actually am finding myself looking forward to the next fast day. I haven't struggled at all with being around food or cooking it. On the other hand, when I was baking this week on a non-fast day, I REALLY relished licking the cake beaters without guilt, and the slice of cake I had tasted soooo good! :grin: that makes me realise that the rest of the cake is in the bread bin and I haven't even thought about eating any of it :shock:

I think some of it for me is that I am enjoying the results so much and how easy it is, that I don't feel hard done by. Most of the time I've done SW or other diets I have felt resentful that I couldn't have XYZ or had to count very moderate portions in order not to blow the whole plan. I LOVE that within reason, I'm not having to calculate or plan every single day. It's a truly liberating feeling :smile:
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 14:16
Totally agree with all of the above. Ivehad to move my fast day to Tuesday this week instead of Monday as a friend is treating je to coffee and cake (she gets a free voucher every month)
I'm quite disappointed I have to wait another day!
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 14:22
I like fast days as well, but that's because I'm spoiled by someone who cooks incredibly delicious low-cal dinners for me and she needs to smell them up close while they're cooking.

Tracie's so good to me! :-)
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 14:40
And so do I :oops: . I feel lighter and more confident on fast days. Actually what I enjoy more is the result I get after a fasting date on scale. My next fast day is tmrrw :lol:
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 17:43
Many thanks for all your advice it's great to know I am not alone in enjoying fast days - I hope this continues as this will be week four for me - regards to you all for your fab posts Barbara
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 17:48
I enjoy them too :-) I have my 500 kcal and that's it. I dont have to debate with myself if I should snack, have another piece of cake, take another portion and so on.
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 18:18
Me too for all the reasons above, but like you Barbara, I do find it a bit worrying. I can easily go till the next lunchtime and then have to make myself eat, I enjoy the light feeling so much it seems a shame to spoil it :bugeyes:

Mind you, once I start, I can easily carry on! Now the warmer weather is here though I am looking forward to plenty of salad. I will be on the 5th week tomorrow and enjoying treats at weekends whilst being sensible Monday to Thursday. Like a lot of others have said, I have found that my tastes are changing, I really believe that it's mind over matter.
Re: Why do I enjoy fast days?
28 Apr 2013, 18:33
Looking forward to tomorrow :)
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