The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I've just seen this article on the Daily Mail

Has anyone tried these pizzas? they apparently have been out in Scotland for some time and have just started to be sold via Ocado (so still not readily available in UK) :confused:

Just wondered if anyone had tried them and to see if it's worth a go? :?: ... -need.html
Read about it on dailymail, have not tried this one. However I tried the goodfellas delizias pizzas under 500 calories each. Not a big portion but delicious. They are available in most supermarkets I think.
If I read this correctly it still has 600 calories? Pizza Express do one for just under 500 cals which is nice. Can't see pizza as a fasting food really.
Maybe not fasting food, but maybe an idea for normal day, trying to keep things "healthy"
Well as healthy as pizza can get!!! LOL!!!

Must try and get the goodfellas one ;)
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