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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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New Innocent Noodle Pots
31 May 2013, 14:31
Hey there!

Thought I would share with you these new noodle pots by Innocent could be good for fast days, they are all under 300 cals lowest being 194! ... nese-ramen

They are now being sold in Sainsbury's, Tesco and Ocado according to their Facebook page.

Has anyone tried any of these? Think I might try the Ramen noodle one soon :grin:
Re: New Innocent Noodle Pots
31 May 2013, 14:34
Ooo they look good for emergencies :D I'll keep my eyes peeled for those :)
Re: New Innocent Noodle Pots
31 May 2013, 16:06
They look brilliant - but they didn't have any in my Sainsbury this afternoon. :-(
Re: New Innocent Noodle Pots
03 Jun 2013, 09:21
emeken wrote: They look brilliant - but they didn't have any in my Sainsbury this afternoon. :-(

Oh that's a shame, I'm on my fast day today so will be checking my local Tesco to see if they have them, doubt it though as it's only a small one.
Re: New Innocent Noodle Pots
03 Jun 2013, 12:17
I'm getting an order from Ocado tomorrow so have ordered some. On offer too - £3 instead of £3.79.
Thanks for the suggestion - this forum is brilliant for ideas! :smile:
Re: New Innocent Noodle Pots
04 Jun 2013, 09:42
Woo that's great Pammy nice offer price too :D

Let us know what they are like!
Re: New Innocent Noodle Pots
17 Aug 2013, 18:32
Have had the 194k one for my fast day meal today - japanese ramen in miso sauce. Was quite filling, had it with some french beans. Quite a lot of ginger in it, so if you don't like this you might find it a bit over-powering. Will try others in the range. Bought from Sainsbury's Local, which seem to have quite a lot of low cal stuff.
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