The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Hi all,

I've been doing 5:2 for a while now, and have lost 8lbs so I am very pleased. Finally 9 stone something, even if it is 9 stone 13!

Anyway, I've been searching for low-cal drink alternatives. I have water, black coffee (sometimes with a tsp of cinnamon), mint/fruit/herbal teas, I've recently invested in a tub of low-sodium marigold boulion (sp?) which I LOVE! And, I've now heard about crio-bru.

Have any of you tried it? Do you like it/would you recommend it? What does it taste like? Is it worth the money?

Also, do any of you haver any favourite fast day drinks you've discovered and/or love?
I haven't tried it but Katamac has mentioned it a few times and really seems to enjoy. I'll have to take a look for it, it looks to be a real treat. I only drink coffee/tea/water .. boring! lol
Yes I drink crio bru. I didn't get it for fasting, but more because I like trying new things, I love chocolate, and it's got loads of good nutrients.

On fast days I drink it black. I have a thermo cup with a filter, so I put the crio bru in the bottom, top it up with boiling water, put the filter over it and let it brew for a bit, then just drink it through the filter. You can also make it plunger style, which I do on non fast days, and have it with milk and honey. Like that it has both tea and hot chocolate characteristics. I do still drink much more tea than crio.
Best low calorie fast-day drink for me is 2L fizzy water with the ground seeds of ~ green cardamom pods added, preferably left for a wee while to 'stew'. Or the same water quantity with a hint of Bottle Green's ginger and lemongrass cordial.
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