The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Today I coated haddock in polenta in place of breadcrumbs. Once they were cooked, the polenta was super crispy and really delicious. I *think* a polenta crust is lower in calories than breadcrumbs, but do correct me if I'm wrong on that.

Anyway, give it a try, it's really good!
That's a great idea thanks. Have you tried polenta potatoes. Cut up your potatoes and boil them until very soft. Roll in polenta and oil and salt and roast in the oven. Warning - not a fast day food!!
A TS of polenta is 40 calories. I've no idea regarding breadcrumbs, I never use them.
I use fine polenta in cooking many times, not just for frying but for baking too!
Can't help with the breadcrumbs as, with being gluten intollerent I use crushed gf cornflakes for things like fishcakes. I like the idea of it with roast spuds. I keep hearing about people using semolina but again, its not an option for me. I'm sure I have some fine polenta in a jar somewhere. Watch this space!
Polenta is the same as cornmeal, correct? I'm GLuten free as well so I often mix cornmeal and coconut four as a fish breading. Almond flour works good as well but coconut my favorite. Especially good with shrimp or chicken.

Those potatoes sound downright scrumptious!
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