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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

21 posts Page 2 of 2
Re: juicing
12 Jul 2013, 10:23
For me I love fruits and vegetables but once you juice them, I find them yucky (with the exception of watermelon). I rather eat a tomatoe and chew on kale then drink them.....
Re: juicing
12 Jul 2013, 14:32
I personally stick to the whole veggies and fruits too. Mostly because of fiber and hating waste. But I know a couple that started a juicing diet maybe a year or two ago and regularly juice still. They look fantastic: thinner, better complexions, younger.

What really sticks out for me in the docu "Fat, Sick..." is how much healthier skin tone the 2 men have. Sure they lost weight, but a person can lose weight or be thin and still look sickly with gray dull complexion.

That vitamix blender sounds like a great way to do it. I've heard such good things about them.
Re: juicing
12 Jul 2013, 15:01
This is my juicer ... er-p7.aspx

I think COLD PRESS juicing retails the enzymes and nutrients. Is that correct?

I tend to put the fruit through at least 3 times to maximise juice and extract from them.

Kids just love juice from fresh fruit. Great way to get nutrients into them.

Their fave is apple and strawberry!
Re: juicing
12 Jul 2013, 16:39
Eating whole vegetables and fruits is definitely better, but with juicing you can get the micro nutrients from a greater amount of vegetables than you would be able to eat, and from parts of the plant you might not find appetizing to eat.
Re: juicing
12 Jul 2013, 18:11
Yes, and some children (even very big ones, you know who you are!) do not DO veggies, and this can be a nice way to deliver spinach or broccoli goodness in disguise. I would never advocate not eating the whole fruit or veg, on a regular basis, but a freshly juiced drink can be great for a change and very refreshing. lemons, limes and ginger etc. can also deliver a real zing. When I was in California I had some of the most delicious juices I have ever tasted, and they were chock full of good stuff.
Re: juicing
21 Jul 2013, 13:01
Not sure where you live, but if you can find a NutriBullet, thats a great tool. Its , in my opinion, better than a juicer, because it pulverizes the entire produce, and you dont wind up throwing out to best parts of the veggies and fruits, the fiber and bulk. It makes really tasty filling smoothie type drinks, and is reasonably priced.
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