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5:2 Diet Recipes

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I'm getting burned out on my regular lunch on fasting days (I just do a 100-150 calorie lunch with a 350-400 calorie dinner on fast days). I have been having lo-cal toast (45 cals) with peanut butter and sometimes chia seeds. It's easy, it's filling, it feels like comfort food...but it's getting boring.

Any other easy ideas for lunches under 150 calories? I want something with protein that I can eat at my desk at work that doesn't require a ton of prep.

Prawns and lettuce leaves
100 grams smoked salmon on lettuce with couple tablespoons of capers and squeeze lemon juice (150 cal).

Boiled egg with salad and low fat dressing (120 cal)

Cottage cheese,salad veg and crackers.
Cottage cheese or Philadelphia Light on low cal bread with sliced radishes and a sprinkle of salt is my favourite summer sandwich. Or try substituting a pickled gherkin for the radishes.
Try this: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic5160.html

My go-to lunches on fast days are usually home-made vegie soups, or carrot and celery sticks with lite hommus, or miso soup and maybe rice biscuits, or a huge leafy salad with 60g of light cottage cheese/tuna/an egg. I don't usually do bread/pasta/potatoes/crackers on fast days - a waste of calories I think.
Cream of celery soup cook and freeze then zap in microwave at work 67 cals. Check forum recipe section. Works for me. : )
Greek salad with no oil and low fat cottage cheese instead of lettuce.
Small pitta bread with low fat turkey ham, low fat cream cheese and cucumber.
Grilled veggies (mushroom, aubergine, courgette, peppers) with low fat cottage cheese.
Slim noodles with veggies.
Brussels' sprouts with a very light gravy.
I've just had this with a tomato and some cucumber


Leave out the Philadelphia to make it lighter on the calories. It keeps in the fridge quite well.

A small Hovis wheatgerm loaf is 56 cals per slice, so 2 slices (no butter or spread) with some light cheese (Like Philly) with salad is quite filling.
Cannot speak highly enough of the soups here on the forum current favourites are:

Roasted Garlic cauliflower sooo creamy
Mushroom garlic and spinach just devine
Celery was fab as was the carrot coriander
For a more chunky soup which ticks all the boxes try the Italian tomato

Happy days
I'm a salad girl in the summer and a soup girl in the winter. With over 35C outside, I can't even think of soups currently...
I once had a job where staff were expected to eat their lunch at their desk and it was quite difficult to find something that didn't smell too much in the office environment (cup-a-soups come to mind)! Perhaps you could prepare a salad which could be kept in the refrigerator - I don't eat bread so I use whole lettuce leaves (iceberg lettuce is good) and roll up a piece of lean ham or chicken inside with a tsp of light mayo/salad cream so it looks like a 'wrap' and is easy to eat. How about a tuna salad or an egg salad - just thinking of easy meals you can make at home and eat straight out of a container with a fork that need no preparation.
I've just started 5:2 and have had this soup both fast days so far (I made a large batch on day one). It's got lots of nice veg and has a good spice kick, if that floats your boat:
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