The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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Just seen an advert for the mail tomorrow - Sunday (UK newspaper) Not a paper I would buy but it may be worth a look, even if it's just for a few recipies.
Ooh thanks for that Carrie..will have a look :-)
:heart: Thanks Caroline. :heart:
Hubby won't read anything else :clover: Sue. :clover:
Sorry didn't see this had been posted already. Must have dropped off the bottom!! Mods get rid if you want. It is referred to as the little black dress 5.2 winter diet.
Oooooh just bought one! :lol: :lol: (LBD!)
Are there any extra recipes in there Silverdating?
carieoates wrote: Sorry didn't see this had been posted already. Must have dropped off the bottom!! Mods get rid if you want. It is referred to as the little black dress 5.2 winter diet.

I saw this in the news feed for Facebook, I wouldn't aspire to that model though.

Her arms are too thin, like matchsticks. Not realistic.
nursebean wrote: Are there any extra recipes in there Silverdating?

Hee hee @nursebean - meant Little Black Dress not newspaper :lol: :grin: :wink:
Is it worth getting? new ideas etc?
Just curious, do you know where to find the link to this article ?
I think this link will work Manderlay (fingers crossed) ... stmas.html
SianS wrote: I think this link will work Manderlay (fingers crossed) ... stmas.html

Good work sian! I was struggling with Moogies Facebook link which was intertwined with twitter so I couldn't get it to work.
I called you Silverdating too...doh!! I can't get used to abbreviations :confused:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
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