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5:2 Diet Recipes

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5 calorie Fast day treat
15 Apr 2014, 15:12
Just read this recipe on the net and thought I would share for those of you fasting today!
5 Calorie Smoothie
Taken from Jill Bauer 90/10 weight loss plan

2cups of Fruit2 O flavored water like orange/peach with crushed ice
5 fresh/frozen strawberries

Whizz together and enjoy!

I haven't tried yet but I am confident it will hit the spot on a fastday.
Re: 5 calorie Fast day treat
04 May 2014, 22:46
Uk and ireland have these little pots of jelly (jello) that are about 7cal. Full of asparatame, which can make you hungrier in the long run, but ok in an emergency! There is a larger pot for about 10cal, and also very similar looking normal full cal pots. Shop with care!
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