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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Have been making up some really lovely desserts with chia, coconut cream and adding berries or dark coco and ground nuts. I find these little desserts served in a dainty dish such a lovely treat. Only imbibe on a non fast day and I understand they are great source of protein, fibre etc etc ... e17966889/

Does anyone else use them like this and what is your opinion
Yep, I added a recipe a while back, chia, coconut milk, vanilla and raspberries, delicious! I also sprinkle them on my yoghurt and tell everyone it is frogspawn pudding!!!
@Debs that is exactly the same recipe I made today. Can't eat as am fasting but did lick the spoon and swoon tomorrow's dessert is done and the next days

The chocolate one is so like chocolate moose and I provided a link to one similar to what I have made. Just seems too good to be true
I missed the choccy one, where did you post it. I may have to view some pudding porn!!!
gillymary wrote: Just adding the link to a recipe ... a-pudding/

That looks delicious!! I am going to try that one thanks for posting. :victory:
Sorry, going blind, just seen it. And yum!
Thanks for the recipe Gillmary. I was just thinking if you blended the mixture it would come out creamy.
If you grind the chia dry in a coffee or spice grinder before you add it is a smoother dessert but I find that the texture of the whole seeds is ok anyway. I made my choc ones with ground unsalted cashew nuts and the texture was lovely. Truly worth making up any chia dessert recipe I think
This is just a fantastic idea when you crave something nice. For me yogurt is not dessert.
@clairmarie it is like a pudding, an old fashioned dessert without too much fuss
Oh I didn't see this post, I love chia seed puddings, I often make them for my kids for breakfast as it's one of the few things they are happy to eat (besides expensive cerial with loads of sugar in and a free toy on the box of course).

I mostly make a basic one and layer it with jam or fruit purée or real fruit, and nuts or puffed rice or seeds, sometimes nut butter or coconut cream on top. I also make a banana base with puréed banana and milk or an avocado one with puréed avocado. The milk you use can maka a difference, I had some hazelnut milk recently and made some great 'nutella' chia puddings using that and cocoa powder.

There are some good recipes here: ... de=3660595
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