The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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I have a whole marrow (squash in America) that I want to experiment with, having never had it before and some Sweet potatoes that I want to try, again never having knowingly had it. :oops:

I need to use them up before Thursday as my 5:2 diet buddy is off camping for the weekend and there is no way I will get my hubby to try them (he's a complete foodie OCD type, no experimentation etc).

So today is a fast day and tomorrow is normal. Anything except soups please.We are meat eaters and have ham, bacon, eggs, cheese, a small amount of cod pieces and cooked pork ready to use as well as vegetables. I do have other meats but they are for other cooking days rota.

Your wisdom is appreciated.
You can bake sweet potato like normal potatoes. Also boil and mash. Slice it in thin rounds and lay them on a tray with oil and salt and roast.
Is a marrow like a courgette? Maybe you could slice and roast it too if it is.
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