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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Not a "recipe" I guess, but instead of using pasta for spagetti bolognese, I simply slice white cabbage thinly and cook it for a few minutes. Works perfectly, really low carb, fast and cheap.
I'm inspired.... planning bolognese for next week, I'd usually have slim noodles but I'm going to try this instead! :like:
In a similar vein, last week I had steamed kale topped with baked beans and poached eggs. It was delicious, and I definitely didn't miss the mildly carbonised wheat product (see, didn't say the evil word :grin: ) that I would usually have.
Such great ideas, I use steamed and mashed up cauliflower and other times I use shredded lettuce.

Zucchini (courgette) ribbons work well too.
Aren't we full of great alternative ideas. I'm another of the courgettes-peeled-with-a-julienne ones, meself.....
I've never tried cabbage! Tonight we had spaghetti squash instead of pasta, because the offspring requested spaghetti and meatballs. We've also done ribbons of zucchini like a fake fettucine. You make ribbons with a veg peeler.
I made broccoli rice the other night as I didn't have cauliflower. I had with a Thai curry and it was lovely
Thank you @Michael H ! I couldn't think what to eat tonight, so had a variation on your cabbage theme. I'd forgotten how nice cabbage is!
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