The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

5 posts Page 1 of 1
29 Oct 2014, 19:29
I have been doing 5:2 since march and it's gone well. Have lost a stone and a half. My usual lunch would be carrot sticks and celery dipped in oxo cube. Now the weather has cooled I'm thinking I need something warm instead.......I tried a homemade curried carrot soup..but this isn't as filling. Anyone got some good packed lunch ideas that can be microwaved for those chilly days for around 50-80 calories?
Re: Lunch
29 Oct 2014, 19:42
The roasted garlic and cauliflower soup is a big favourite on this site. I'm sure you can find it in the recipe section. Congrats on your weight loss so far!
Re: Lunch
29 Oct 2014, 20:54
I don't eat lunch so I'm not help there but congratulations on the weight loss.
Re: Lunch
29 Oct 2014, 22:55
Well done on yr weight loss!
I dont really do fast day lunch, am thinking of experimenting with it..
About 4 pm i sometimes have a 60 cal nutrition in it but salty and hot so gives a lift to carry me to dindin time! X
Re: Lunch
29 Oct 2014, 23:35
Broth with 3 oz of fresh Brussels sprouts would cook up nicely in the microwave. Cut the sprouts in half but don't precook them. 2 minutes will cook them just fine. They are very nutritious and filling. You could throw in an ounce of precooked chicken breast, too.
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