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5:2 Diet Recipes

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The post by @Ferretgal got me thinking about our quick put togethers for fast day meals. Not necessarily a recipe, but what do you throw together?
I too need to come up with more interesting meal ideas for light days; it's hard, since I'm vegetarian most of what y'all share doesn't work for me. And I find that elaborate recipes aren't a good idea; once it's time to eat (on a light day; I'm much more patient other days), I have zero patience with fussing (lucky if I can wait for broccoli to cook). Wish there was something I could make ahead and maybe heat up... BTW, I don't use (or even own) a microwave. And I HATE the low cal premade meals (like Lean Cuisine); even the smell makes me nauseated

My thought was for a lentil based vegetable soup, that could be jazzed up with spices or curry powder. It could be frozen in batches and reheated on a cooktop. Something like this... That and some salad and /or fruit could make a quick fast day meal.
What ideas do you have that you can share? I really like the sound of @Pilchards vegetable curry - I'd love to know how you put it together.
I like to have my fast day meal planned so I don't go off track (so easy to do!) so I am always on the lookout for ideas.
Thanks for starting this @MerryMelb I was actually going to reply to @ferretgal with some vegetarian meal suggestions so you beat me to it.
My veggie curry recipe is ... ric-curry/
I add an onion sauted in a little coconut oil at the beginning and often some frozen peas at the end. I make a big batch and have it with a dollop of coyo. No need for rice or bread.
Other veggie light meals are a chickpea or lentil burger with a tomato onion and (a 1/4) avocado salsa or a big plate of chopped veggies with hummus. Roasted veggies with feta and a squirt of balsamic glazeon a bed of baby spinach is another good and satisfying meal. I tend to batch cook once or twice a week and then eat the same (or a variation of it) for a couple of nights. I add some fish or chicken for my non-vegetarian husband.
Hope this helps.
It's been so much easier this past week eating lower cal as the weather does affect my food "wants"
I usually go for veggie, and or fish on fast days. With the added treat of a square of high cocoa chocolate, or low cal hot choc, oxo cubes mid day to keep the hunger monster away. Prawns, aubergine bake courgetti. I could go on forever. !
Mexican pizza from the original 5:2 book is easy and yum. I also love a stir fry with some soy sauce and Chinese bean paste
A really quick one for me is a half portion of rice or ready cooked pulses from a pouch (2 mins in microwave), whilst heating up a tin of chopped tomatoes on the hob. Add a large tablespoon of capers, then pour onto rice/pulses. Takes no time at all and is very filling. If you have the calories available (and for non-veggies), a small tin of tuna in brine added to the tomatoes makes this a great meal, and you can keep all the ingredients in the store cupboard.
Lots of delicious ideas there. I had a lovely time on the site you recommended @Pilchards! So many absolutely yummy (and non-fast day) recipes on there at Deliciously Ella.
The ready cooked pulses sound good too @cwarrior for those fast days where you just need to eat soon! when dinner time finally rolls around.
I think I also need to have another look at the recipes in the original book. :smile:
I only cook two recipes from the 5:2; the Mexican pizza is our standby and sometimes I make the bacon & bean soup. Little bit of bacon goes a long way and any vegetable can be added. I like a vegetable stir fry too but chopping up a mountain of vegetables takes a long time.
Several reasons why I prefer the pizza: I can add ham for our daughter, add some baked vegetables from the fridge (e.g. from dinner the night before) and freeze pita bread and slices of mozarella to make have dinner on the table pretty soon after coming home from work. Any fresh capsicum being chopped gets eaten to help with the greatest hunger.
For those who don't have the recipe book, the Mexican pizza recipe is listed in this article for Day 7 meals:
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