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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Salad to make you go mmm
15 Sep 2013, 03:44
I made this yesterday and it was really tasty. Ingredients: 2 med size cooked beetroot, some salad greens, baby spinach leaves, 20g or so of ricotta, a teeny drizzle of extra virgin olive oil (a tsp or two) and a few (just a few!) chopped raw almonds. Season with salt and pepper. Depending on the quantities you use, it is really low cal, but for me the thing was that it tasted very nice, I was actually making that mmm mmm sound when I was eating it lol! :smile:
Re: Salad to make you go mmm
15 Sep 2013, 04:28
That sounds really good!
Re: Salad to make you go mmm
15 Sep 2013, 04:53
That sound delicious. How did you cook the beetroot? (Boil/steam/roast)
I love adding almonds to salad. I toast them. You can toast the almonds in the oven for about 5 minutes and they become even more flavorful, so a little goes a long way.
Re: Salad to make you go mmm
15 Sep 2013, 08:35
The beetroot is pre-cooked and is in the prepared salad section at the supermarket (Coles in Australia). If that isn't available, I would try steaming it as that keeps in the nutrients rather than boiling.
Re: Salad to make you go mmm
15 Sep 2013, 08:39
It's usually vacuumed packed its the nearest you get to cooking it yourself it's pretty good
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