The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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Who needs mince when you can make something as nice as this, using only vegetables!

It's another (vegan) calorie-counted bread recipe - a wonderful pie using bread dough instead of pastry and filled with a hearty, rich, tomatoey veg filling. <300 calories per (large) portion.

Every time I encase something in a bread dough I'm always impressed - and delighted - by how the flavour is enhanced. Of course I realise this applies just as well to other types of enclosure, including aluminium foil, but the way that the ingredients meld together in a bread casing absolutely ticks all my boxes!

Just a note about using a bread dough instead of pastry. It need contain no fat - so it's got to be lower calorie. And you can make everything from a quiche to a pasty using a bread dough.

It's easier to add flavouring to a bread dough.

It's easier to make a bread dough than it is to make pastry - cold hands and all that malarkey mean nothing.

It's also cheaper to make, containing nothing more than flour, water, yeast and salt.

Cheers, B&W
This looks amazing, thanks for sharing! I've followed you all here from Mumsnet where I am a longtime lurker ;-) hoping to glean some new info here.
That looks vey substantial and tasty. I have never made bread so I will have to go get the ingredients in, then have a go. Thanks for the recipe B&W :lol:
Going to give this a go this week. It looks and sounds delish! Thanx.
Looks really good except I don't do tomatoes. What else would you recommend for wetness?
janeg wrote: Looks really good except I don't do tomatoes. What else would you recommend for wetness?

Hi janeg

Thanks! Have you seen this site - might be right up your street:

My wife also dislikes tomatoes - so when we have pizza, I make this for her:

Cheers, B&W
Oh, Breadand wine- that is amazing and cool. Thanks so much! So much veggie food is tomato based. I've been veggie for more years than I can remember and still struggle with the tomatoes. Not helped by being away just now and eating in hotel buffet where, for the fifth meal in a row, it was pasta in a tomato sauce. The carnivores have a choice of three or four meals. Feel like stamping my feet and throwing toys out of the pram!
ta much :)
Artemisatbrauron wrote: This looks amazing, thanks for sharing! I've followed you all here from Mumsnet where I am a longtime lurker ;-) hoping to glean some new info here.

Hi Artemis

Sorry, I missed your post earlier- just re-read the thread! :oops:

Yes, there's loads of info on here as well -hard to keep up!

Cheers, Paul
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