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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Overnight Oat Breakfast Jar
24 Feb 2013, 11:25
I LOVE this- originally saw it on a website called hugsandcookies, but changed it a little. Endlessy variable. Fills me up anyhow.
This recipe came up at 193 calories (one of those online calculators- don't know how exact they are)but obviously would change if you used skimmed milk, no honey (which is fine too actually)or different fruit.
Good for working mornings or to take to work so you can eat later. I am tending to eat just twice in the day so having something sort of substantial mid morning works for me.

1/4 cup uncooked oats
1/3 cup soya milk (or whatever milk you like)
1/4 cup natural yogurt
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1tsp honey
Put oats, milk, yoghurt and honey in jar (those bonne maman ones are great)
put lid on and shake
Add fruit
put in fridge, shake in the morning
will keep for a day or two
Re: Overnight Oat Breakfast Jar
25 Feb 2013, 12:03
I do this too - in a Bonne Maman jar! I use water instead of milk - zero calories so I can add more exciting things later. I like to put a clove in overnight and add apple sauce and chopped nuts the next day. Oats are great for reducing cholesterol.
Re: Overnight Oat Breakfast Jar
25 Feb 2013, 12:18
Is this a Bircher Muesli type recipe then..?
Re: Overnight Oat Breakfast Jar
25 Feb 2013, 12:56
Isn't it great emeken? I han't even though of using water before- though I do when i make hot porridege- brilliant idea, thanks for that. But yes endlessly variable and tasty.

Nicki- I guess so! So yes you can use the whole rolled oat since they soften in the jar overnight. I see Yotam Ottolenghi has a version :)
Re: Overnight Oat Breakfast Jar
25 Feb 2013, 13:48
I so like the sound of this - I usually eat porridge (with water) on a fast day, but this sounds a great change - will be retrieving the Bonne Maman jar from the recycling tonight ! :)
Re: Overnight Oat Breakfast Jar
25 Feb 2013, 18:27
I makes a change and is a bit more portable than porridge :)
Re: Overnight Oat Breakfast Jar
25 Feb 2013, 22:18
I used to make something similar to this when I did slimming world but just mixed roughly equal quantities of porridge oats and yoghurt and popped in the fridge overnight. It was called magic porridge usually people made with flavoured mullerlight yoghurts but I prefer natural ff Greek yoghurt. Sometimes I would add grated apple, nuts and seeds to make it like Bircher muesli.
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