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5:2 Diet Recipes

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40kcal drinking choc
11 Mar 2013, 21:40
While in Sainsburys today I found little sachets of cadbury's drinking choc....4 for £1
they are 40 kcal per sachet...just add boiling water
they come in a variety of different flavours...milk choc/carmel/hazelnut etc
Although very sweet they definitely help with any urges for something sweet on a fast day
I struggle on a fast day with the 3:30 afternoon tea break in the office when everyone is having a sugar boost of chocy biscuits or cake to get them through the afternoon....thought one of these might help me feel less deprived? :grin:
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
11 Mar 2013, 22:00
I've been using 'Options' for years - you might need to brush your teeth after. IMO all these things are too sweet.
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
11 Mar 2013, 22:10
I used to have one of these, or two half cups, of a fast day before I started saving all my cals for dinner :) Actually I've just had one tonight, its that time of the month and I needed a little choccy fix. I had a whole one tonight though and it seemed so much. Next time I'll remember my mini cup is just as satisfying :)
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
11 Mar 2013, 22:47
agree with you on the sooooo sweet thing...but actually ridingwood thats an idea...while they are tucking into the chocy bics I could slip into the loo and brush my teeth...It would make me feel good and I could save my kcals! :grin:
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
12 Mar 2013, 08:40
Well Virginia that's an old trick from years ago - brushing your teeth should take away cravings! BTW if anyone knows of any instant lo-cal hot choc drinks that aren't sickly sweet - please let us know!
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
12 Mar 2013, 09:29
Don't make the mistake I made and invest in the jars of low calorie hot chocolate as I would guesstimate 40 calories worth. It is worth sticking to the sachets unless you have very accurate scales!
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
12 Mar 2013, 09:33
I remember years ago when I was calorie restricting I swapped onto the jars of the hot choc to save money instead of buying the sachets. There was a note on the side of the jar giving a phone number to ring to get a 'free measuring scoop' for the drink. That sounded great to me, to get the right portion size every time... so I rang them.

Guess what came in the post? A plastic teaspoon with instructions to use 3 'heaped' spoons. Well that's accurate. Not! I wrote to complain saying that as a diet product they should be aware that dieters like to be exact in their measurement of calories... no reply. So, out came the scales. They seem accurate enough to measure the 11g portion, though I err towards 10g generally.
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
12 Mar 2013, 10:02
I tried a couple of these and found them disgusting, especially the mint and hazelnut ones. Then I found Cadburys Highlights sachets in Home Bargains for 10p each and they're much nicer (with the same calories).
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
12 Mar 2013, 10:09
I use highlights too, much prefer them. That or the choc orange options sachets!
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
18 Mar 2013, 15:03
In UK aldi's they do 2 varieties of hot chocolate with 40kcals, they are in sashes in a cardboard box, 8 sashes for 99p I think it is. Comes in normal or mint. just add hot water and voila hot chocolate.
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
26 Mar 2013, 09:44
Moogie wrote: Guess what came in the post? A plastic teaspoon with instructions to use 3 'heaped' spoons. Well that's accurate. Not! I wrote to complain saying that as a diet product they should be aware that dieters like to be exact in their measurement of calories... no reply. So, out came the scales. They seem accurate enough to measure the 11g portion, though I err towards 10g generally.

A have a 30 ml (1/8 of a cup) coffee measure, filled level with Highlights Dark it contains 11 grams. Two level tablespoons would be the same, using one of those baking measure "tablespoons" rather than a random spoon out of the drawer.

My "three heaped teaspoons" was probably heading for 20g !
Re: 40kcal drinking choc
26 Mar 2013, 09:50
I use these too at night. I find them sweet enough with two teaspoons but 3 is better! Good idea on the measuring spoon Phil. My 3 heaps probably more cals too.
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