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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Quorn & Veg Curry - 305/233 cal
02 Apr 2013, 19:16
Now - I made this and shared it between me and my partner for 2 MASSIVE portions at 305 calories each. However, I think it could easily serve 3 people with some salad or a little wholegrain rice. The curry was good though (I was using up veg before the food shop tomorrow)

TOTAL calories for the whole recipe is 610.


300g pack of frozen quorn pieces
200g Cauliflower florets (blanched)
200g Broccoli florets (blanched)
100g Onion chopped
200g Mushrooms roughly sliced
400g Tin of chopped tomatoes
1 or 2 cloves of garlic crushed
2 chicken/vegetable oxo cubes
4 teaspoons curry powder
Salt, pepper and extra chilli powder to taste

1) Dry fry the onion
2) Add mushrooms and garlic and dry fry together
3) Bung in the broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, oxo, curry powder, seasoning and give it all a good mix around.
4) Add in the quorn pieces and stir occasionally til defrosted, then add a little more water if it looks a bit dry.
5)Simmer for 15-20 mins, stirring occasionally.
Re: Quorn & Veg Curry
03 Apr 2013, 07:01
Don't they have it in Australia?? I thought it was everywhere now.

It's a vegetarian meat substitute. The texture is very convincing but not much flavour in the plain pieces or mince. As I'm not a vege I add in the oxo cubes to get the chicken (or beef for the mince) flavour for a low-fat / low-cal alternative to meat sometimes.
I buy it in Woolies Wineoclock, it's in the freezer section.
It is my life line but I have to bring it from UK as not available here. Needs good flavour added but is great as curry, chilli, bolognese etc. I have the quorn burgers for Sunday lunch as it works with gravy.
Thanks all. I'm shopping tomorrow (helps me keep busy on a fast day) I'll see if its in Coles
Not sure what DH will say if I serve it up. He keeps remarking that the vegetarian meals make would be great served with meat!!!
I made a chilli with it a couple of weeks ago and my OH didn't even notice it wasn't mince!
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