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5:2 Diet Recipes

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I love soup, even more so when it uses up stuff in the fridge.

This weeks soup was a mixed veg jobby.

I used:
3 large onions
3 cloves garlic
1 courgette
3 large carrots
1 butternut squash
4 sticks celery
3 peppers
1 stock cube
2 tbsp oil

1. dice onion and garlic and add to oil in a large pot, soften on a medium heat so onion goes clear and not caramalised.
2. chop all veg to a similar size cube and add to the pot. give a good stir so all veg is coated and starts to soften, i normally do this for a good 10-15mins.
3. while all is softening boil kettle and make up some stock (chicken or Veg).
4. once veg has started to soften add the stock, may need to top up with more liquid to make sure it is all well covered.
5. Simmer on a medium heat until veg can be squashed with a fork against side of pan.
6. take off heat and cool for 10min the whizz it all up with a blender.
healthy dash of black pepper to finish and your done,
easy peasy

I then freeze in individual pots and perfect for a quick fast day dinner.

I got 7 portions out of my batch and estimated calorie count to be 150-180cal per portion..............

other veg that often makes it into the mix are celeriac, leeks, fennel, anything lurking in the fridge. The calorie counter in the back of Dr M's book is great as per 100g so weigh your veg as you grab out the fridge and keep a tally of whats going in. I then divided the soup into portions and got 7 pots, so divided soup calorie tally by 7 and got around the 150-180cal per pot mark

Thank you, Louise for saving the day for me. This is my very first fast day and I was really feeling weak. But now, I have something to look forward to come suppertime! I'll be trying this soup it sounds delish (as I like soup) and warm to the old tummy (which is already complaining by the way!). I don't have a "courgette", in fact I don't even know what that is (I live in the US in Iowa) so I hope it will taste good without it. Thanks again for taking the tie to post this.
Courgette = zucchini for those of you over the pond! :)
Ah yes, must remember we are an international forum!!
Yum! Bookmarked! I have a standard 5:2 soup I make at least once a week:

1 tin of tomatoes
1 courgette (zucchini)
1 onion
1 stick of celery
a big handful of spinach
1 carrot, chopped.
500mls stock

Simmer, blend, season if necessary, slurp! its about 90 cals/portion (that amount makes 2 portions)
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