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5:2 Diet Recipes

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5:2 diet Thai curry (vegan)
21 Apr 2013, 23:58
I've made my first Thai curry! And it's left me wondering just why it took me so long to get round to it!

I promise you that a tin of coconut milk will be on my weekly shopping list from now on!

Here's the recipe - calorie counted, and great for a fasting day:
Re: 5:2 diet Thai curry (vegan)
22 Apr 2013, 08:00
After your recent stargazing activities this sounds just the ticket to warm you up! I am fasting today and will give this a try this evening, but with a little fish included and coconut oil instead of olive oil. I am a recent convert to coconut oil and love it. Love lemons too!
Re: 5:2 diet Thai curry (vegan)
22 Apr 2013, 08:26
Sounds good! Is it freezable?
Re: 5:2 diet Thai curry (vegan)
24 Apr 2013, 11:51
I don't see why not! I'm making a green Thai curry for tonight's <600 meal - I generally make enough for two meals, so I'll freeze the remains and come back to you.
Re: 5:2 diet Thai curry (vegan)
27 Apr 2013, 08:56
Well, that curry's still in the freezer - and, with a pizza for dinner tonight, a roast tomorrow and an almost complete fast day planned for Monday, it'll be Tuesday before I can rescue it.

I made the mistake of opting for a lo-cal coconut milk - and it wasn't the same. Won't get one of those again. I shall use coconut cream to bring the meal up to an acceptable level of 'coconut-ness'! :confused:
Re: 5:2 diet Thai curry (vegan)
02 May 2013, 22:36
4flipsake wrote: Sounds good! Is it freezable?

Hi 4flipsake

I defrosted the curry tonight, and it was absolutely fine.

I did have to add grated coconut cream - that coconut milk 'light' is a no-no, I'm afraid. :frown:
Re: 5:2 diet Thai curry (vegan)
07 Jun 2013, 00:55
In praise of Lidl's coconut milk!

I opened the can - and it was solid cream! Only when I got to the bottom quarter of the can did I find a clear liquid.

Great stuff - and half the price of Blue Dragon!
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