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5:2 Diet Recipes

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[Gram flour = besan flour = chick-pea flour]

Here's something a bit different for a fasting day - a calorie counted, gluten-free, vegan 'omelette'.

Approximately 370 calories served with curried potato wedges and broccoli!

Cheers, B&W
Stupid question alert...

...can I make this flour myself? And can I use it to make bread or thick pancakes?
TML, there are no such things as stupid questions! Especially from you, who've been stuffing it to them on the 'other' forum! :grin: :grin: :grin:

You can make your own chick-pea flour - I haven't got a blender, but I was googling chick-peas earlier and saw some instructions for making your own.

It doesn't make great bread - but it does make thick pancakes. If you follow the link to the basic 'socca' post, there's a link to faina/farinata (both are used) which can make either a thick pancake in the frying pan, or even thicker - 1cm or half an inch thick - 'cakes', which can be cut into 'chips' or into chunks to use in a vegan chilli non carne for instance. This I made in the oven.

When I've made this it's very hard to stop nibbling the stuff, it's so tasty! And very versatile!

Cheers, B&W
He he, thanks so much!

I'm gonna check it out tomorrow. I'm not vegetarian/vegan but I adore chick peas. Greeks make only soup with them but I do lots of stuff and the idea of pancakes with chick pea flour got me really intrigued! Thanks so much for this bril idea!!!
Hi! We do make 'pancakes' with gram flour .. you can make sweet ones or savoury. these are shallow fried like the thin pakcakes.-- in the savoury one we put in groung ginger/chillies according to taste/salt/haldi(tumeric). the sweet ones have sugar. Not sure of the calories but this is a snack/breakfast ... you must have guessed yes I am of Indian origin. They are called Pooda or Poodla you may find it if you google it. Enjoy
Sounds tasty. I like gram flour. So many of the gluten free mixes are gritty when you make them up. Gram can be a bit dense but at least it lacks the grit! I'll be giving that one a try.
I need to go to London and buy some gram flour. I believe that it is a good excuse to leave from work for a week and borrow some money... Yes. ;-)
I think we call it besan flour here - I have never heard of gram. Bought some last week from a little Indian corner store I walked past - want to make dosas which I love! Thanks for the recipes I will try some - I am vego not vegan...but could be
TML13 wrote: I need to go to London and buy some gram flour. I believe that it is a good excuse to leave from work for a week and borrow some money... Yes. ;-)

I thought at first, TML, that I'd sparked a visit back to London just for the gram flour - but, given the situation in Greece, I think I understand!

The Daily Express is forecasting a drought in May, so don't worry about the weather! :grin:
Yes GMH, besan is gram flour. It has several different names.
Breadandwine wrote:
TML13 wrote: I need to go to London and buy some gram flour. I believe that it is a good excuse to leave from work for a week and borrow some money... Yes. ;-)

I thought at first, TML, that I'd sparked a visit back to London just for the gram flour - but, given the situation in Greece, I think I understand!

The Daily Express is forecasting a drought in May, so don't worry about the weather! :grin:

Good weather in London is good enough reason to visit, LOL!

Sadly, a health-related situation in my family wants me here and I can't plan any trips for the near future. Still, can't blame a lass for hoping... :wink:
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