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5:2 Diet Recipes

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I just posted this in a reply but thought I should include it here.

This is absolutely delicious. I make it as a normal (non fast) meal but I'm sure if you upped the veggie count & cut out the noodles it would be low calorie. ... oth-recipe

I have worked out the calorie count for this

Calorie count for Salmon broth recipe according to My Fitness Pal...

Made as per recipe 340.5 calories per portion. This is made with 1 nest of Blue Dragon Medium Egg Noodles and Salmon Fillets as 110gm each.

Made without sesame oil or noodles 236 calories per portion.

I would really check the calories on the salmon you buy as the count seems to vary wildly on the internet!

Hope you enjoy it. It's one of my favourites.

EDIT: Sorry the link was wrong ... oth-recipe
Sounds great (and for a day when I manage to go through to supper without eating perfect, even with noodles - love noodles!), but I can't find it on the link. V possible that I'm being thick, it wouldn't be the first time.
MMM..mmm! Now you're talking, sound right up my street. Will have it tomorrow as fasting today. Love salmon and this sounds different and yummy. I have never eaten so well as on the 5.2 :smile: Thank you for this.
I think this is probably the link that foxiebex meant to post.

I don't normally follow the recipes here but this one does sound right up my street - thank you. And salmon is a great source of omega-3 and more specifically DHA.
Yum! Will try that tomorrow if I get to the shops to buy salmon that is. Which I probably won't. Still, something to look forward to for next week! Or, actually, could do it with prawns probably. Mmmmm.
Swedey wrote: Yum! Will try that tomorrow if I get to the shops to buy salmon that is. Which I probably won't. Still, something to look forward to for next week! Or, actually, could do it with prawns probably. Mmmmm.

Swedey, you could definitely do it with prawns or chicken (thighs are nicest) or even just as a veggie dish. As I said it's one of my faves :)
Going for prawns I think. Good old fashioned north Atlantic ones, at least they taste of something! In fact, will get some out of the fridge now.
I've already got today's tea (my wife wants a meze with dips and falafel etc) but tomorrow is a fast day so I'll try it with more veggies to fill me up. Thanks.
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