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5:2 Diet Recipes

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This recipe is vegetarian and less than 120 calories although that partly depends on the brand of ingredients that you use. It doesn't take long to make, but it does take an half an hour to cook. You could add things like rice or bulgur wheat to the mix, but it is so filling without that I do not really see the point.

Serves 1

1 medium red bell pepper (41 calories)
10-15 cherry tomatoes halved (30-40 calories)
1 tbsp low fat crème fraiche (25 calories)
1 tsp of parsley, chopped (1> calorie)
½ tsp garlic puree (6 calories)
Oil for greasing (I use frylight olive oil which is 1 calorie per spray, you need 3-4 sprays for this)

Preheat oven to 375°F / 190°C / Gas mark 5

1. Chop pepper in half, length ways, and remove stalk and seeds

2. Mix chopped parsley and garlic puree into crème fraiche and add half of the mixture to each pepper

3. Layer the halved tomatoes on top of pepper

6.Place peppers onto lightly greased baking tray and cook in oven for 30 mins
thanks for the recipe! sounds good and I will try it in a couple of days. I have a recipe from the BBC good food website which is about 120cals per serve. So simple it is more of a method than a recipe. Spray with olive oil, add salt and pepper and bake 1 large tomato (cut in half) with a few mushrooms and a couple cloves of garlic for about 15 minutes in a small oven proof dish. When they are almost cooked, crack an egg in the middle and stuff some spinach or rocket around the veges. Spray and season again. Bake for about 7 minutes and eat! I actually look forward to eating this each fast day. Yummy and very satisfying!
WOW these recipes sound ammmazing defo going to try them. x :grin:
Looks like a great recipe, gonna have this on my fast day tomorrow
never heard of crème fraiche, not sure can buy in the US? do you know of a substitute for this?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the nearest thing to creme fraiche is sour cream. creme fraiche isn't as sour tasting but maybe an extra light sour cream may be a good alternative.
Sounds delicious! Will try to make them this weekend. :)
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