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5:2 Diet Recipes

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15 May 2013, 21:42
Have copied this from my 'Introduce yourself' post because having looked right through this board haven't seen a frittata recipe and it's very versatile.

I/we have so far had this as brunch, but it works as breakfast, lunch or dinner, and as a packed lunch or to make and pick at several times. Calories can be varied according to how many you want to use, with smaller eggs, or 3 eggs between 2, the veg, etc...anyway, here it is:

The eggs I have at the moment are large, so I'm allowing 85 cals each for those. The frying pan is about 22cm diameter.
It works fine if you cook just 2 eggs, but 4 at a time gives a nice depth. If I wanted to save more cals for later I'd use 3 eggs between us.

First get out your veg. The last one had a courgette (90g), halved lengthways then sliced; 100g mushrooms sliced; a big handful of spinach and 150g cherry tomatoes, sliced (a lot of tomato but we happened to have a lot).
Break eggs into a bowl, add a splash of water, salt & pepper and beat with a fork.
Heat the grill. Spray pan with oil (3-4 shots), heat on medium; cook courgette and mushrooms till they soften and give off their juice. If there's much juice pour it off.
Pour the eggs over the veg, tilt the pan and lift the edges to let the liquid run underneath. Once it's about half-set, add the slices of tomato and then the spinach. A lid from a big saucepan helps to wilt the spinach, or just push it down with a spatula.
Once the spinach is wilted hold the pan under the grill; this makes it puff up a bit so it looks bigger. Cut in half to serve.

4 eggs 360
100g mushrooms 16
90g courgette 16
spinach 4
150g tomatoes 30
4 sprays oil 4
Total calories 430

215 calories each and it's a feast! If you grate parmesan then a tablespoon is about 45 cals, but weigh it, it's 385 per 100g but 10g is quite a lot sprinkled over, so you could put it just on one half.
Obviously all sorts of veg work, but courgettes and mushrooms are good and tasty. Grated carrot's really good too, also cook that a bit at the beginning as it has a lot of water.
You can add a spoonful of salsa on top, or if you have more calories to spare, a small potato, sliced and pre-microwaved in it, or an onion ditto - you get the idea.
Re: Frittata
15 May 2013, 21:54
That sounds lovely Aubergine. I'll be trying it. Thanks for sharing :like:
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