The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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Hope someone finds this useful, it's been a favourite of mine for a while....

Brown rice - 100g
Spring onions - 35g (about 4)
Cucumber - 60g (about 2 inches)
Celery - 90g (2 sticks)
Radishes - 55g (about 5)
Tomatoes - 140g (2 salad sized)
Tinned sweet corn - 100g
Malt vinegar, salt, pepper

Chop everything up fairly small. Pour some vinegar over and season with salt and pepper (to your taste). Cook the rice, drain and run under cold water. Leave to drain and cool. Mix together and split between 2 tubs. Refridgerate. Eat.

The vinegar can be left out if not to your taste or other herbs could be added. Filling and low cal. :)
This looks really tasty. Will definitely try it.
sounds like a great lunch idea for those who have lunch on fast days i'll make it to have on non fast day, thanks for sharing.
Good for this weather too so thanks! I think I might add some chili flakes, not too fond of neat vinegar. maybe lemon juice?
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