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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Salad chana dal
29 May 2013, 15:07
This has to be my favourite recipe just now; indeed, I could quite happily eat it every day.

chickpeas, canned, coop, 100g: 125 cal (up to 150g does nicely but = more cals)
plain yoghurt, yeo valley 120g: 98 cal (this is one pot from a four-pack)
chilli, green, fine chopped: 18 cal (preferably one with a bit of heat)
garlic, clove, fine chopped: 4 cal
onion, white, fine chopped, 34g: 15 cal (spring onions might be good alternative)
desiccated coconut, whitworths, 8g: 51 cal (make sure you don't use the sweet version!)
wholegrain mustard, co-op, 'big' tsp: 5 cal
turmeric, approx 2tsp
cumin, wee fresh grind of seed

best if left to 'marinade' in the fridge for a couple of hours

total calories is 316, so add a nice leafy salad and a couple of rice cakes for heaven

the last iteration of this that I did used dried chickpeas, soaked overnight, and then cooked for ~ hour with ginger powder added to the cooking water - gave a subtle but pleasant difference
Re: Salad chana dal
18 Jun 2013, 11:24
Seems delicious, FatDog, I will definitely try it on my next fast (thursday) I love Chickpeas, and always have a batch of home-cooked peas in the freezer, a lot better and equally convinient to the canned sort.
Thanks for the recipe
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