The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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I made this for my main meal on yesterday's fast day:

Cook 50g giant wholewheat cous cous in salted boiling water as per packet instructions,adding 100g English asparagus spears about half way through and cook both until tender. Drain and refresh in cold water. Put 30g watercress, spinach and rocket salad in a shallow bowl with 50g chopped tomato and 40g chopped cucumber. Top with 50g diced cooked skinless chicken breast, the cous cous and asparagus spears. Season well with salt and pepper and drizzle with a dressing made by whisking together 2 tspns olive oil, 1 tspn lemon juice, 1/2 tspn Dijon mustard and a few shredded mint leaves - you can thin the dressing with a few drops of water if it is too thick. This is so tasty and filling and is 359 cals, leaving 141 for another small meal - I had mixed berries and creme fraiche for breakfast yesterday - again making use of what is in season and good. I find that chopping ingredients small when making a salad makes it go much further and because it takes longer to eat, it feels more satisfying.
I'm already looking forward to fast day supper tomorrow - two poached eggs with 125g steamed asparagus soldiers dipped in. One thing I like in fast meals is a really quick prep time, I'm an impatient sort!
That's a good idea too - the season is so short I like to eat lots of it!
I bought asparagus too today for my fast day on Friday, I'll try and make something similar to your recipe with it!
Mmm, asparagus! I didn't like it until I moved to an area filled with asparagus farms. There are mountains of it at the farmers' market. I like it roasted over pasta with plenty of olive oil, garlic and parmesan. This is definitely a feed day meal. :grin:
Mmm, love asparagus!
Just a few spears left, they're going in a big frittata tonight, with courgette and a bit of red pepper. Should be enough cals left for a sprinkle of parmesan on top :smile:
Love asparagus. I do a nice pasta dish with aspargus, diced panchetta, red onion, mix of wild mushrooms, topped with grated parmesan, parsley and a fried egg. Definately now for fasting days.....although I reckon I could tweek it a bit!
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