The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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11 Jun 2013, 21:03
I'm looking for nice recipes for soup, can anyone help? Do you have bread or similar with your soup?

Thanks :grin:
Re: Soup
11 Jun 2013, 21:09
Look for on the forum for the celery soup recipe and the garlic and cauliflower soup as both are lovely. I don't do carbs like bread on fast day. So cant really help there. Also another soup idea is tomato and brown lentils ought to be in recipe section here on forum.
Soups are my mainstay and I am now on the hunt for more yummy ideas on line and in my recipe books
Hope that helps
Re: Soup
11 Jun 2013, 21:27
Soups for fast days, or just nice soups in general?

On a fast day, I'd skip the bread. Its going to be about 100 calories a slice, before butter. And really, you don't need it.

I regularly make soup out of whatever's left in my veg drawer. I'll start with some finely chopped onion - sweat that in a little olive oil with crushed garlic until softened Add in finely chopped veg (carrots, butternut squash, courgette, leeks, turnip....anything really). Stir to coat everything together. Add some stock (chicken stock or veg stock, those Knorr stockpots are good, or just from a cube). Simmer for about 30 mins until all the veg are soft. Puree for a smooth soup, or leave chunky. I usually put this in individual portion sized tubs and freeze for lunches.

One of my fast-day heroes is TomYum paste, which makes a really tasty quick soup. ... m-yum-yum/
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