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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Here's one I'm planning to batch cook tomorrow, to make 6 good sized portions of around 300 cals each:

350g Quorn Mince (quorn is lower cal than own brands)
1 jar of Co-op pasta sauce (or any around 260 cals)
8 sheets lasagne
1 sachet colmans cheddar cheese sauce made up with semi skimmed milk
2 garlic cloves
1 onion
5 large mushrooms
6-8 cherry/plum tomatoes
1 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp tomato puree
50g mozarella
Italian seasoning & bayleaves to taste

Total cals approx 1900
Makes 6 x 300-315 calorie portions

Fry your onions & garlic in the oil & add the quorn mince. You may need to add some water to keep it from sticking, as we're keeping the oil down. You could add a beef oxo if you want to make it meatier for only a few cals extra.
Add the chopped mushrooms, tomatoes then the puree and stir.
Add the sauce, seasonings & bayleaves until well combined and quorn cooked through.
Remove from heat.

Prepare the cheese sauce as per the instructions on the sachet.

Place 2 sheets of lasagne in the bottom of your square baking tin or dish. Smooth approx one third of the bolognaise mix into a base layer, followed by approx one third of the sauce - note you might want to pull out the bayleaves as you go! Now place 3 sheets of lasagne on top (at least, I need 3 as my dish is tapered outwards) and repeat the bolognaise/cheese sauce layer. Repeat again with lasagne and layers. Now sprinkle on the mozarella, a bit of italian seasoning and maybe a grind or two of black pepper.

Oven bake at around 200 degrees for 25-30 mins.

Cut into 6 roughly evenly weighted portions (you may want to weigh your dish before you cook, so you can calculate the total weight of the lasagne and divide accordingly). My portions are around 270g each.

I served this with 150g baby potatoes (120cals) chopped into wedges brushed with a tiny bit of olive oil and salt (I don't worry about those few cals) and baked in the oven for about half an hour at 200°; and 80g of peas (60 cals). Total 495cals.

You could serve this with a nice big salad and a bit of garlic bread or maybe some homemade potato wedges using baby potatoes and a little olive oil.

495 cals, delicious and filling! Hardly seems like fasting :D
Tried this last night at last and took a photo. Was really pleased, a proper meal!
Looks yummy! I may try this although still can't get to grips with not eating until evening. I've been needing something at lunch time. I would have it without the wedges and still have enough cals left for a small lunch though.
You could have a nice big salad with it instead of the wedges & peas :) Far fewer cals that way!
Thanks for the recipe mate, I tried it tonight. I used lean beef mince instead of Quorn, and more of it than your recipe (just threw the whole 500g pack in). By my calculation it came to around 2400 cals for the whole thing, or 400 for each 1/6 portion. Had it with a bit of salad, and have enough cals left over for a yogurt too!
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