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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Just made a really really filling breakfast. You all may have already tried it but I'm sharing my joy. Banana egg pancake with a little twist. This is nutritious too.

one banana mashed add two beaten eggs and 1 tablespoon chia seeds. Spritz fry pan with olive oil or coconut oil and ladle out pancakes.

Yummy, no flour, high protein, fiber, vitamins, no sugar, omegas. Came in at 300 calories for two large pancakes. After eating I have discovered I should have eaten just one. They are filling. One for breakfast and one for lunch? Then salad/soup for dinner. Will work nicely for fast day. :wink:
Sounds yummy :starving:
Where do you get these chia seeds? Heard loads about them on here and this pancake sounds yummy :) x
I found this recipe to taste like banana bread more than an actual pancake. Definitely a winner. I bought chia seeds in grocery store. I'm sure they would be in health food store as well.
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