The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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Some great recipes in this weeks free Waitrose Weekend paper. Most under 500k, a lovely looking Spinach and Feta pie for 271cal per portion, or Thai prawn laska for 317 cals. The one I fancy the most is Paprika chicken with chunky salsa 503 cals (easily reduced a bit if needed).

Some useful tips on cutting down on sugar too.

Its laid out a bit differently on the website, but this is the link to the everyday meals
Thank you , I didn;t pick it up today, will get it when I go back to get the things I forgot today
Hi miumum and thank-you for the link we don't have a waitrose close to so have bookmarked it, that paprika chicken does look + sound very good, one for Monday I think, and good idea to look online for supermarket recipes, good luck :heart: Sue
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