The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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I am pretty good at sticking to my low GI foods, and have noticed quite a strong reaction to any wheat that manages to get into my diet. I am not 100% sure that it is the wheat because it only slips in when it is not me totally in control of food prep, so there is a chance it could have been something else.

However, breakfast away from home is a bit of a challenge. What do other low GIers have for breakfast? And what do you have when you are away?

I'd love any inspiration for some recipes that fit in with Low GI and 5:2. Any thoughts?
Bacon and egg. Does that even have a GI ?
Yogurt and berries or Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon.
My breakfast most days is a 2 egg omelette (cooked in butter) with tomatoes and a bit of parmesan. Heaven.
Eating on the go low-GI is a challenge, when travelling I either fast, or buy cooked cold chicken
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