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5:2 Diet Recipes

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17 Jun 2013, 11:40
Hi All, I just wanted to share a little tip I found out about eggs.
On fast days I find that protein is the best go to for me as it keeps me full and doesn't raise my blood sugar only for it to dip again.

Eggs are a huge part of this. I often have an omelette but a great way o to bulk it out is to use just the whites. or a 1:2 ratio. So 1 whole large egg clocks in at 80 calories, 1 large egg white, just 17! This way you can bulk out your egg dishes with lots of low calorie protein!
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 03:26
I totally agree with you! I also do omelettes on fast days and I fill it with tons of veggies like mushroom, spinach, and onions. I like to eat mine with lots of hot sauce :oops: .

One fast at a time
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 04:52
Thanks Cae
I have never thought of doing a 2:1 ratio omlette :)
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 05:55
I also love eggs - so easy to cook and full of nutrition. And if you choose organic eggs the nutritional value is even better!

I make my omelettes spicy with a lot of fresh garlic, chili, ginger, cilantro/coriander, parsley that I fry in organic coconut oil + veggies and sometimes shrimp. I use 5 eggs but will try 3 eggs + 2 whites next time to save calories - thanks for the reminder.
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 06:18
I could not not use whole eggs just for the sake of a few calories. Seeing recipes in diet books that suggest throwing yolks away seems criminal to me, and it suggests the message about cholesterol being OK has not got across yet...

Of course, at the heights of Cordon Blue I accept that some dishes require a unbalanced ratio, I just hope that proper use is made of the leftovers!
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 06:30
@CreakyPete - I simply can't throw away good food. (probably why I got fat) That's the way I've ben raised. I make sure to use everything - egg yolks a perfect for carbonara, aioli or mayonnaise for example.
Or for baking, custard, a facial treatment or thickening a sauce - could go on for ever :-)

At least once a week I serve a dish called "the-week-that-passed" = left-overs. I cook almost everything from scratch and use mainly organic groceries, make my own organic sourdough bread, grow my own fruit, berries, veggies and herbs - it would kill me to throw any of this away since I have a very personal relationship to my food!
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 07:11
Two Chicks egg whites are available in cartons in most big supermarkets - that's what I buy. So no egg yolks to throw away or make into delicious lemon curd! It freezes well so if its hard to find when you do you can bulk buy! On fas today's I have egg white omelettes and on non-fast days I have I egg plus extra egg whites. Chilli omelettes rock!
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 07:13
I do this with the eggs. During my fast days I do a 1:2 ratio on egg to egg whites.

I don't throw the yokes away. I freeze it with a pinch of salt or sugar and use it to either make a glaze for sausage rolls/used as carbonara/extra rich savoury/sweet pastry or for sweet things a custard or just put it in a cake for extra richness.

The pinch of salt or sugar stops the egg yokes from going grainy when defrostong. Though don't forget to label the yolks, nobody likes a salty custard.
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 08:44
I love eggs too, but I don't particularly like the taste of an omelette with the yolks removed. The calories in a whole egg are such a tiny amount that I would much rather have that rich, unctuous taste sensation from the yolks than the inferior (in my opinion) skinny taste of too much egg white. To me the whole point of an egg is the yolk! The only time I would consider separating these bosom buddies is to make a gorgeous meringue a la Mary Berry and a rich garlicky aioili mayonnaise!
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 09:08
Me too dhana. I hate egg white. My eggs are from happy chickens and come in all shapes and sizes so I just pick a couple of the smaller ones and cut back that way. Unless I'm hungry and then I throw caution to the winds and just enjoy them!

I freeze egg whites if I have spare ones but didn't realise that yolks would freeze. Thanks for that tip liveabroad.
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 09:11
I eat whole eggs, and they are a mainstay on the 'fasting' days. As CreakyPete states, it would seem the cholesterol myth still looms large across the population.Since embracing 5:2, my fast days totally disregard calorie counting, as does the rest of the week, but what I DO count all of the time , are the carbohydrates. I have lost over 11Kg on my version of the regime.
I am in the process of seeing if coconut oil improves my blood profile, in particular, fasting glucose, so counting calories would have me way over any thresholds for calorie intake, and the fat content of egg yolks pales into insignificance in this context.
I know CreakyPete is waiting to see the outcome of my coconut oil regime, and I will post any findings on the coconut forum in due course.
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 15:35
Wow. I didn't know that you could freeze yolks either. Thanks a lot liveabroad. Couldnt throw them away either as we have two chooks and the eggs are treasured presents in the morning. So once a week we eat up all the left over veggies in an omelet. And then we have a baking day on the weekend.
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 16:37
I count carbs 140lbs. I stopped worrying about calories as it seemed to make not a jot of difference to my weight and my BG was steadily rising back into pre diabetic levels. Since I went back to eating low carb its gone back down and my weight is creeping slowly south again! I don't really need to count even the carbs as I was low carb 2yrs so I pretty much know what goes!
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 16:55
Eggs are just all round wonderful - I couldn't bear to throw away anything. If I need whites for merringue or royal icing I throw the spare yolks in the scrambled eggs for the next days family breakfast.
Re: Eggs
19 Jun 2013, 20:06
I adore eggs. I'd give up chicken before I'd give up eggs.

I'd treat myself to carbonara or throw the extra yolk in scrambled eggs as a treat on a feed day. Although I'll bear freezing them in mind in the winter when it gets near to Panettone making time - 10 egg yolks in there!
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