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5:2 Diet Recipes

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My biggest issue is feeding OH & 2 small children on fast days. This ratatouille works brilliantly as a family pot, I have mine with cauliflower rice & they have theirs with rice/pasta/noodles/cous cous and some mince/chicken pieces/sausage - whatever's in the fridge.

I've put in calories for each item so you can swap it around. This is a 2 portion recipe, tonight I froze the second portion (kids ate something else). But it's a lot so you could easily divide it into 3x 100cal portions

1x tin Chopped Tomatoes (84cals)
1x Courgette (20cals)
1x medium Red Onion (40cals)
150g button mushrooms (20cals)
1x clove Garlic (4cals)
15g Tomato Puree (13cals)
1/2 Tom tin of water
10g Worcester Sauce (10cals)
10g Extra Virgin Olive Oil (90cals)
1x Green Pepper (17cals)
Handful Fresh Basil Leaves (2cals)

Total: 300cals Per Portion: 150cals

Chop all veg. I fry onion in the olive oil till soft, then add the pepper & continue to fry for several minutes. Then I add mushrooms & mix in, after about 2-3 mins I add courgettes & finally the tin toms. I let that heat up & begin to cook. After about 10mins I add the Worcester sauce & the Tom purée & water. Give it a stir and leave on low heat to simmer for around 15 mins. At the end I add the crushed garlic, fresh basil & season to taste, then take off the heat. It's then ready to serve. Bon appetite.
Sounds good scubelle. But I think olive oil is partly responsible for making me fat. I recently bought a Misto bottle put the evoo in and then just a light spray comes out. I have probably saved a zillion calories by now. That would probably cut 80calories out of your recipe.
thanks Scubelle and Clairemarie - great ideas! I'm a big fan of ratatouille (as is my son) so I will try on a fast day.
just to sugggest you buy frylight in the shop if you can get it where you are - it's an olive oil spray at 1 cal per spray... it's fantastic (just realising tht Clairemarie has suggested something similar!) Love the recipe, adding it to my shopping list next week :D
That's a great idea if you want to save a few more cals, oil is not such an issue for me, my downfall is cheese, so I'd probably end up putting Parmesan on top if I had spare cals...
I made something similar but instead of olive oil I cooked an egg into it, it was delicious!
Now that is a great idea, I would definitely sub my olive oil for an egg and I think egg tastes great with most things. Thank you.
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