The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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Diet Chef doing 5.2
26 Jun 2013, 07:53
Diet Chef is promoting 5.2 Total Diet Replacements. On telly now, on QVC. They are talking about how flexible the fasting lifestyle is, just two days a week etc. Mainstream now, I think! I have never tried their products but I suppose they might be useful for emergencies, travelling or kitchen challenged amongst us?
Re: Diet Chef doing 5.2
26 Jun 2013, 10:05
I prefer M&S Fuller longer meals but unfortunately there are lots of people trying to make money getting on the 5:2 bandwagon. Amazon has many books now about IF & 5:2ing & I'm sure the dieting clubs will also join in as 5:2ing becomes better known. But we have the last laugh because it is not costing us anything & even reducing my food bills :grin:
Re: Diet Chef doing 5.2
26 Jun 2013, 10:23
If anyone would like to try the Diet Chef 5:2 range, we've got an affiliate link for them - click here.

I'll see if I can get any promo codes from them :)
Re: Diet Chef doing 5.2
26 Jun 2013, 11:25
I have just had a look at their website. I never knew they could even deliver to France!
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