The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

21 posts Page 2 of 2
Re: Help - Satay Sauce?
27 Jun 2013, 18:07
Me too Bestygr8 - I'm so definitely definitely having some sort of satay feast tomorrow !
Re: Help - Satay Sauce?
27 Jun 2013, 18:43
Depends on who you ask as satay sauce is different in Indonesia and Malaysia. The recipe given here would make us laugh there as it is nissibg a lot of spices. That is one thing that I have not asked mum how to makw yet. Satay sauce from scratch from peanuts that you grind yourself and not peanut butter......
Re: Help - Satay Sauce?
27 Jun 2013, 18:57
Aina - I just have one thing to say to you - RECIPE PLEASE! or better still, your mum's!! :grin:
Re: Help - Satay Sauce?
27 Jun 2013, 19:55
Rlealy, riecpe nedeed. I tghuoht I was the olny one who cluod slepl lkie taht.

:smile: :smile:
Re: Help - Satay Sauce?
27 Jun 2013, 22:26
Now Im craving satay and its only 8am. Satay for dinner tonight.
Re: Help - Satay Sauce?
27 Jun 2013, 22:52
:dazed: :razz: :frown: Pullease have some pity some of us still fasting ... just kidding
Great peanutty ideas for wey hey weekend dining though thanks
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