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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Caprese-Style Grilled Tomatoes - Courtesy of Hungry Girl today:

Entire recipe: 86 calories, 3g fat, 195mg sodium, 7g carbs, 2g fiber, 4g sugars, 8.5g protein -- PointsPlus® value 2*

Tomatoes and basil are summertime staples. And string cheese, well, we've ALWAYS got that on hand!

1 stick light string cheese
2 tbsp. chopped fresh basil
1 large tomato
Optional seasonings: salt, black pepper, garlic powder

Break string cheese into thirds and place in a blender or food processor -- blend at high speed until shredded. (Or pull into shreds and roughly chop.) Transfer to a small bowl, and mix with basil.

Cut tomato in half horizontally. Carefully scoop out and discard the inside of each tomato half, leaving a hollow shell intact.

Bring a grill pan sprayed with nonstick spray to medium-high heat.

If you like, sprinkle tomato halves with optional seasonings. Place tomato halves on the grill pan with the cut sides down. Cook until slightly softened, about 2 minutes.

Flip tomato halves. Divide cheese-basil mixture between tomato halves. Cover (any lid will do!) and cook for 2 more minutes, or until tomato has softened and cheese is warm. Enjoy!

Sounds yummy think I'll give it a try if I can work out what ''1stick of stringy cheese'' is in UK!!! any one help me ? :clover: :like: Sue
Thank-you lovemyparrot :heart:
Quark. pressed and drained? dunno, really but sure it doesn't matter too much! All these processed unreal foods, honestly you could replace tham with sawdut probably, and not taste the difference (probably healthier too, sawdust that is :grin: )
Ooooh yuk!! Thank you dhana :like: Sue
From Wikipedia:
In the United States, string cheese generally refers to snack-sized servings of low-moisture mozzarella. This form of string cheese is roughly cylindrical, about 6 inches (15 cm) long and less than 1 inch (2.54 cm) in diameter. The cheese is cut and packaged, either individually or as a package of several lengths. The cheese used is nearly always a form of mozzarella, or a combination of mozzarella and cheddar. This type of string cheese gets its name because it can be eaten by pulling strips of cheese from the cylinder along its length and eating these strings.[14]
String cheese is YUMMY! :)
The recipe looks really simple but since I don't have any string cheese right now, I thought it would taste just as good with crumbled feta cheese instead.
Thank you Betsygreat8 now I do like mozzarella :like: Sue
Also got feta in fridge :doh:
Just want to say I did not reach 14 stones without eating! a lot! love food and I am a foodie, hate to see some (a lot) of the posts on here talking about what must be taste challenged food! I lived in upstate N.Y. and my eldest daughter has lived in various states in the U.S. my favourite having been California, so I do know what the food is like there, some of it good, a little of it great - much like here, in Scotland, in fact! When you muck about with food to delete fat or change the texture, consistency (which usually means taking away something and adding something) the taste usually suffers. There is no such thing as low fat stringy cheese sticks/whatevers without lots of interventions - if you like the taste, then may I tactfully suggest that your tastes were hijacked along the way and that you should be doing your best to regain a better appreciation of real food?
Didn't realize string cheese wasn't available in the U.K. - I love it and don't eat it for its "low fat content" . . I eat it 'cause I enjoy it!!!! - any mozzarella or feta or any cheese you like that melts will be fine - receipe doesn't require much!!!! Glad some of you like it anyway!!!
I must have stayed up way past my bedtime last night and developed the fasting crazies. I just reread my post about string cheese and am taken aback at my grumpiness and rudeness. :frown: Sorry, sorry for my cheese rant - even if it is the dreaded Mr. String - if it rocks your boat eat it. Actually, your recipe sounds delicious, I have some basil on the kitchen windowsill, ripe toms and will get some string cheese tomorrow and eat it, not as penance, but pleasure. :smile:
P.S. I googled to see if you can get the original string cheese that I know from the Middle East and apparently you can - it's made by Karoun Dairies in CA. and is less salty than the original Armenian one. It is studded with caraway (black cumin seeds) and is delicious.
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