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5:2 Diet Recipes

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If you like coleslaw
27 Jun 2013, 22:35
then here's something for you. I use chinese rice wine on mine and it makes all the difference.
Re: If you like coleslaw
28 Jun 2013, 00:36
I love homemade coleslaw too.
I was reading your recipe where you said pour on the Rice Wine, let it sit and the Salt will draw out some moisture - does this mean the salt in the rice wine (is it even salty) or did you mean to actually salt the cabbage?

Thank you
Re: If you like coleslaw
28 Jun 2013, 06:04
I salt the cabbage and carrots, and then pour the rice wine over and let it sit. I'll re-read the recipe and edit as necessary so it's clear.
Re: If you like coleslaw
28 Jun 2013, 06:41
Hello [waves enthusiastically]

I've not seen yot about for a while, are you ok? I will definatdly try this, can't imagine the taste with rice wine in the mix, very interesting.
Re: If you like coleslaw
28 Jun 2013, 06:50
Looks good. I'm a bit of a coleslaw addict and now make my own (shop stuff yuk). Bought a fab (v. cheap) gadget from Lakeland to julienne the carrots and use a mandolin for the rest. I slice a load of veggies in one go and bag them up dry - they'll keep quite well in the fridge like that; then portion it out and add the wet ingredients as and when required (otherwise I'd eat the bloomin' lot in one go!!). Thanks a lot. Julie
Re: If you like coleslaw
28 Jun 2013, 08:58
Hi Swedey, I'm fine thanks. I had my week off fasting, and was back on it this week. Still not lost anything, so I am still feeling a little disheartened, but I'll keep going, something has to happen eventually. Also I'm still exercising a lot, so it's probably muscle.

The rice wine gives it a kind of tang. You don't need much, I pretty much use a tablespoon of the stuff poured over all the veg. It's nice, I'm about to make some more as I'm going for lunch at my inlaw's house and she's asked me to bring a salad.
Re: If you like coleslaw
28 Jun 2013, 10:53
Hey Coleslaw lovers
Also check out Jamie Oliver's Winter Coleslw - looks awesome ... g-coleslaw
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