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5:2 Diet Recipes

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U Pick Fruit Custard
30 Jun 2013, 21:17
Had to share this recipe. I originally came across it in Prevention magazine made with strawberries but my mom and I have tried it with other fruit and needless to say it is AWESOME and a great way to get protein and fruit in a delightful way. (Could also add in those egg yolks you have left from egg white omelets on Fast days).

Spray a very large 10 inch pie plate or shallow dish with your choice (I use coconut) and place 3/4 to 1 cup fruit on bottom (it's very flexible although if using frozen, thaw and drain)

Mix together: (I use kitchen aid, mom uses a blender - both good and yield different consistency)

4 eggs
6 TBSP flour (we both use gluten free but friends use regular)
1/3 cup sugar or agave (can use less if fruit is really ripe)
1 cup of milk (I use fat free)
1 tsp vanilla
dash of salt
cinnamon to preference (I go heavy-around 1/2 tsp)

Beat eggs well, add other ingredients, blend well, pour over fruit, bake at 350 for 40 minutes or so. Serve hot, warm, cold, leftover, however you prefer to eat pie. Can sprinkle ever so lighly with powdered sugar.

The WHOLE custard is less than 900 calories and is simply divine. If you make 4 servings, it's like have an egg with a fruit topping nutrition wise, but it taste like pie for less than 250 calories. So satisfying for the sweet tooth and so low on guilt.

The strawberry was okay, but I think strawberry needs rhubarb. Peach is delish, plum was unbelievably good, apple didn't work too well (might need to be cooked first), blackberry was yummy...and I have a mixed berry cooking right now. Honestly, it is amazing how good this is...we may never make a full blown pie again!

Hope you enjoy!
Re: U Pick Fruit Custard
30 Jun 2013, 23:11
I forgot the 1 tsp vanilla...was still yummy...I edited the above. My apologies for using US measurements...maybe someone can post the equivalents...or I can broaden my horizons and find a site to do it myself in the next day or so:)
Re: U Pick Fruit Custard
01 Jul 2013, 02:52
GoLinda! Thank you for posting this. I can see this happening tomorrow! Probably strawberries, as that's what I have with me in the motorhome. I'll let you know how it comes out.
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