The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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You could substitute cauliflower rice for the quinoa, that should knock the calories (and carbs) down substantially...

I'm having a love-in with cauliflowers just now, so please excuse the suggestion if it's inappropriate :) And I wouldn't cook anything (except the lentils) - it would make a lovely raw salad.
I have the BBC Good Food books 101 Low Fat Feasts and More Low Fat feasts which include the recipe posted by LoopyLoo. I was looking through them earlier today for inspiration as I have been living on chicken or salmon with salad during this hot weather. In many cases the recipe calorie count looks low to me and isn't clear whether the count includes the 'serve with' items eg vegetables. I am therefore not surprised to see that others have checked and found this recipe to be higher. How disappointing though :frown:
That's disappointing about the calories - still could be worse.
Waitrose "Love Life" do a ready cooked quinoa and puy lentil vacuum pack, about 250gms. That's if the hot weather is putting you off slaving over a hot stove! I used it with chopped up red onion, tomatoes and peppers.
Also I have seen red and black quinoa - anyone tried them?
I've had red quinoa and, to be honest, didn't notice much difference from normal 'white' quinoa.

I love quinoa with veggies through it on a fast day - or with mozzarella, basil and tomatoes through it on a non-fast day. So much nicer than couscous - I love that slight nutty tang to it.
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