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5:2 Diet Recipes

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04 Jul 2013, 14:52
Really simple, delicious and filling, a Peruvian dish right from the Incas.

White fish, marinated in lime juice with coriander, garlic and chili

Any white flesh, low fat fish will do, but I guess it taste better if you use higher quality fresh fish instead of some old freeze damaged block of fish you forgot in there. The quality affects the texture more than the taste, and if you don't like the taste - use more spices. It all depends on how fuzzy or hungry you are. I just ate some unidentified piece of fish, probably Pangasius, I wouldn't have served it with pride to someone else, but to me it was actually really good, despite a by most standards awful texture.

Same thing with the lime juice, it's best to use fresh lime juice, but from a bottle works as well, or you can use lemon (maybe too sour for my taste).

Mix chopped coriander, garlic, fresh chili and why not ginger into the marinade.

Just slice the fish, thinly if you're in a hurry, or in cubes. The bigger the pieces of fish are, the longer it takes for the citrus acid to do its work, but I don't think eating them a bit raw would kill you. Leave in the fridge until done or you're ready to eat.

The fish is cooked by the acid in the lime/lemon, and is ready when it's white. Can take anything from a few minutes depending on the size/thickness of the pieces of fish, and the acidic content of your citrus juice. Some say the fish is supposed to be marinated for hours, I don't see the point, it's ready when it's ready.
Re: Ceviche
04 Jul 2013, 16:27
That sounds delicious! A heads-up for those of us in the U.S. Coriander = cilantro.

We use "cilantro" for the leaves of the plant, and "coriander" for the seed. In the UK it's the same word for both.
Re: Ceviche
04 Jul 2013, 16:43
Had no idea people ate pangasius catsharks :(
Re: Ceviche
04 Jul 2013, 17:20
Just makes me think of Gray's Anatomy. In one particular story arc, a patient who was in a boating accident was given the nickname Ceviche by one of the more insensitive doctors. It's not a dish I'll ever want to try... :neutral:
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