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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Cross posted from my journal, yet again - apologies if you've already seen this but thought the recipe denizens might appreciate it.

Dinner is served: shahi gobhi masala (cauliflower curry), soybean chapati (bajra roti style), green side salad (60g) and a dollop of yoghurt (20g) to cool things down.

I'd never tried this shahi gobhi masala recipe before but I will be doing it again (and again) - I've tinkered very little with the original version here: ... style.html
It was, quite simply, plate-lickingly good. Indeed, as good as my all-time favourite feast day cauliflower dish, gobi musallam here: which I think is cauliflower heaven. Edit: should note that I substituted coconut milk for both the milk and the yoghurt in this recipe - yes... very rich but delicious.

As for the chapati, well, I know what to add to the pizza recipe now to make the base more biscuity - soya flour... Really, they weren't bad - it would have helped if I had had a non-stick pan to do them in, oh, and a rolling pin to roll them out (only thought of the wine bottle trick later). And I'd certainly add a little oil and lots more spices next time round (there will be one). Original recipe here (I could only find two for soya flour exclusively, this was the second): ... hapati.htm . I didn't have any gummy stuff so did without, and cooked them under the grill. I probably wouldn't eat them on their own, but they were great with the curry.

Numbers are Quantity used : Calories : Carbs : Fat : Protein : Fibre

shahi gobhi masala
cauliflower, small florets 35c/C3.0/F0.9/P3.6/Fi2.5/100g
......... 246g 86.10 7.38 2.21 8.86 6.15
ginger & garlic paste (dried used)
......... 2ml each 0.00
s&p 0.00
olive oil, 824cal/F91.6g/C,P&FI<0.1g/100mL
......... 15ml 123.60 0.00 13.74 0.00 0.00
almonds, 640c/C6.9/F55.8/P21.1/Fi11.8/100g
......... 15g 96.00 1.04 8.37 3.17 1.77
soya milk, coop org unsw, 30c/C0.1/F1.9/P3.4/Fi0.6/100ml
......... 15ml 4.50 0.02 0.29 0.51 0.09
onion, fine chopped, 43cal/C9.3g/F0g/P0.71g/Fi2.1g/100g
......... 40g 17.20 3.72 0.00 0.28 0.84
olive oil, 824cal/F91.6g/C,P&FI<0.1g/100mL
......... 15ml 123.60 0.00 13.74 0.00 0.00
ginger & garlic paste (dried used)
......... 2ml each 0.00
tomatoes, tinned, chopped 15c/C3.0/F0.1/P1.0/Fi0.7/100g
......... 200g 30.00 6.00 0.20 2.00 1.40
chilli flakes
......... 2ml 0.00
coriander seed, fresh ground
......... 5ml 0.00
......... 1ml 0.00
pure via (stevia based sweetener) 2c/C0.47/F0/P0/Fi0/0.5g/5ml
......... 2ml 0.80 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
s&p 0.00
garam masala
......... 2ml 0.00
lemon juice, 26c/C2.0/F0/P0.4/Fi0.3/100ml
......... 5ml 1.30 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.02
total 483.10 18.44 38.55 14.84 10.27
FatDog's half portion shahi gobhi masala 241.55 9.22 19.27 7.42 5.13

Method: 1. distribute the dry mix of ginger, garlic, s&p over the cauliflower 2. heat oil in pan and then saute cauli for about ten minutes (I needed to add water to stop things sticking but a non-stick pan would obviate the need for this) 3. blitz the almonds, soy milk and tomatoes (had to do these together as my blitzer doesn't handle very small quantities) 4. put cooked cauli to one side and in the same pan heat the oil and cook the onion until it is softened 5. add ginger&garlic and almond & tomato mix and cook for a few minutes 6. add chilli, coriander, turmeric, sweetener and s&p 7. simmer a little then add the cauliflower, garam masala and lemon and cook for a further seven minutes or so (I did mine on a very low heat for longer)

If you've spare calories I think this would look even lovelier if it had a few flaked almonds sprinkled over it...

Soybean Chapati (Bajra Roti Style)
soya flour, 424c/C16.0/F20.0/P39.0/Fi12.0/100g
......... 42g 178.08 6.72 8.40 16.38 5.04
s&p 0.00
cumin seed, fresh ground
......... a very good grinding 0.00
......... 75ml, approx 0.00
total 178.08 6.72 8.40 16.38 5.04
FatDog's half portion soybean chapati 89.04 3.36 4.20 8.19 2.52

Method: 1. thoroughly mix the dry ingredients 2. tip onto a board and make a wee mountain 3. make a finger hole at the top of the mountain and fill with water 4. work the water into the flour 5. repeat from 3 until the mixture is convincingly dough-like: not too dry and not too wet 6. cover for twenty to thirty minutes - I plonked a glass bowl over it 7. divvy it up into the number of chapatis that you want 8. form each portion into a ball and then flatten it (roll it out if you have a rolling pin) on a pre-oiled baking tray working it from the middle to the edge to form a round - it tends to go 'frilly' at the edges* 9. lightly oil the top and grill on each side for two or three minutes.

* If you don't get the dough very thin you'll end up with a biscuity round, as I did - it's edible, but it is not a chapati!

In all honesty, I think that this was the best feed that I've had on a fast day since I started (May 1st), and as a menu it ranks pretty high against full feast day fare.

Enjoy, FatDog.
Thanks Fatdog,
I am definitely going to cook the gobi mussallum in a month when all my friends come up to my house for an Indian themed lunch. I love that its served whole as I don't like the mess when you chop up a cauliflower. :-)
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