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5:2 Diet Recipes

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cauliflower puree soup
18 Jul 2013, 19:10
I saw the basis of this on a blog with some 5:2 recipes, the basic recipe was ok, but tasted a bit bland to me, but by adding cinnamon and just a hint of sweetener. It made it really yummy,

Another tasty filling EASY puree soup for 5:2 fast days.

1 qt container vegetable broth or stock
Zest from 1 orange
1 head fresh cauliflower
Sweetener of choice

Bring stock to boil. Clean and break cauliflower into florets. Add cauliflower and zest to boiling stock, simmer about 10-15 mins, cool about 10 mins, then blend till smooth (I use an immersion blender right in the pot. ). Then add cinnamon to taste, with a bit of sweetener.

I just made this and I LOVE it. It reminds me of butter nut squash soup that I love, but much lower in calories. It's about 45 calories per cup and the recipe makes about 5 cups. Very filling and yummy
Re: cauliflower puree soup
18 Jul 2013, 21:04
going to try it minus the sweetener. Cinnamon should be sweet by itself. Thanks for the idea.
Re: cauliflower puree soup
19 Jul 2013, 03:27
Cinnamon isn't sweet at all. It's pungent and quite hot when placed on the tongue directly. You might be thinking of the popular cinnamon sugar blend.

Still, I don't know that I'd ever sweeten a soup.
Re: cauliflower puree soup
19 Jul 2013, 09:24
Sorry if a bit off topic but this thread has reminded me to ask this question. I made a tea with cinnamon stick cardamom and cloves with ginger and lemon and by golly it was naturally sweet and I thought it was the cinnamon. Can anyone enlighten me which of the spices made the tea sweet
Re: cauliflower puree soup
19 Jul 2013, 11:59
The teeny tiny bit of sweetener I added, did not really make it sweet, like you would think of something sweet. More like just mellowing it out, to balance the cinnamon.

You could make it without if you like, but I really loved it with the cinnamon an tiny bit of sweetener.
Re: cauliflower puree soup
19 Jul 2013, 14:44
I have been cutting out the sugar in coffee and try not to use artificial so that is how I started using cinnamon in my coffee. I do not miss the sugar and to me anyway it does sweeten the coffee. It must supercede the sweet spot on the tongue. I don't know why it tastes sweetened but it does.
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