The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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My hubby and I had this for supper tonight. We really enjoyed i :)

For one person (300 Kcal)

Roasted veg:
1/2 pack of 350g ready diced butternut squash & sweet potato (from Waitrose)
80g sweet red pepper cut in chunks
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
cayenne pepper (or if you don't like spicy, replace with pepper)
4 sprays of Filipo Berio extra virgin olive oil
Mix all the ingredients together and roast in oven at 180 degrees for 35 mins or until diced veg is cooked

Griddled tuna
125g tuna steak
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tbsp of Discovery Mexican Spice Fajita Seasoning Mix
Mix lemon juice and spices into a paste and spread on each side of the tuna.
Place tuna on hot griddle plan and cook on each side to taste (I like my tuna still a bit red in the middle)

Spicy and tasty!
I do something similar to tuna. I spread about half teaspoon of Encona hot pepper sauce on one side, sprinkle generously with cinnamon (yes, cinnamon!) and put this side down on the griddle, do the same with the second side. I find plain grilled tuna rather boring so this helps.
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