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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Winter Salad
30 Jan 2014, 15:33
I made a warm winter salad for dinner the other day and it was lovely. Now I want to make another one but don't fancy repeating the same dinner again. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do?

I post the recipe on my blog in case anyone else fancies giving it a try. ... salem.html
Re: Winter Salad
30 Jan 2014, 15:48
I make a lentil salad (I use a tin of Cassegrain lentils, but any tinned green/puy lentils will do!)

Tinned lentils, drained,
Diced onion
Diced tomato
Diced cucumber
50g Apertina light feta
Herbs - I use parsley.
Optional: a little diced chilli and a couple of drained artichoke hearts.

A little olive oil, red vinegar and Dijon mustard.

If I add a rasher of bacon, too, it comes to around 430 cals. #yum
Re: Winter Salad
30 Jan 2014, 16:10
I like your blog @stokerface :smile: The 5:2 recipes look tempting and great even for a non-fasting day.

Sorry, I don't have any suggestions for any particular worm winter salad, but during winter time I love roasted veggies, especially fennel, parsnips and shallots.

I tried this by Simon Hopkinson and it was good: ... with_81864
Re: Winter Salad
30 Jan 2014, 16:28
Like your blog!
Re: Winter Salad
31 Jan 2014, 17:01
Penny For Them, I will certainly give that a try! Thanks for the positive feedback to the blog, it's my attempt to stay on track. I figure that if I have a blog about it then I need to stick to it. As you can see from the post, life got in the way recently but without it I may have given up altogether after my accident. As it is, I've sorted myself out and I'm back on 5:2 with renewed vigour.
Re: Winter Salad
04 Apr 2014, 05:53
PennyForthem wrote: I make a lentil salad (I use a tin of Cassegrain lentils, but any tinned green/puy lentils will do!)

Tinned lentils, drained,
Diced onion
Diced tomato
Diced cucumber
50g Apertina light feta
Herbs - I use parsley.
Optional: a little diced chilli and a couple of drained artichoke hearts.

A little olive oil, red vinegar and Dijon mustard.

If I add a rasher of bacon, too, it comes to around 430 cals. #yum

It's a good recipe to make the winter salad.
I like your this recipe and I would like to make it at home.
I would like to add some more winter vegetables such as carrot, radish, and roots beat etc. in this vegetables salad.
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