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- May 2014

Why we get fat.
06 May 2014, 10:16

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New Scales

by Auriga on 30 Jan 2014, 12:34

I bought new scales last week.....Salter Body Analyser Scales. I really wish that I had bought these when I started doing 5:2 (or 4:3 in my case). They are far more accurate than my old scales and tell me my body fat percentage & BMI (which corresponds closely to my BMI on the Progress Tracker). I know you can buy super duper scales which link to your computer etc., but these are very good and tell me all I need to know. I am saying this because when I started fasting I really had my head in the sand about weighing myself and measuring myself and now I rather regret not doing so until one month in and I had no idea what my body fat % was until this month.
So if you are a bit weighophobic (new word) don't be, because if you stick to this WOE you will lose weight and you will shrink! So get on the scales, measure yourself and record your present body fat %. If you do that right from the start and fill in your tracker regularly, then sooner or later you'll get a LOVELY surprise!
Happy fasting, Auri X :heart:

My maintenance buddies are Wendy Darling, PennyForthem , StowgateResident and Callyanna.
Maintaining since 9th April 2014
My method: 5:2 since reaching maintenance (previously 4:3), 16:8 eating window.
Last update :24th January 2015
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