FastDay User Blogs

Journals, thoughts and musings from our community


- November 2013

Interim target met or not?
13 Nov 2013, 14:32

+ September 2013
+ March 2013

Random musings of a fast dieter

Not sure how this blog will turn out, so for now it can be described simply as 'random' but probably quite nerdy and foody!
1 out of 52 out of 53 out of 54 out of 55 out of 5


by carorees on 12 Mar 2013, 23:00

No time to continue my back story today...have been preparing for DS's birthday tomorrow...baked and decorated 36 chocolate cup cakes for him to take to school..wrapped presents and started the birthday cake to be finished tomorrow (also heavy on the chocolate). Tried to pipe white chocolate ganache on the cakes but it wouldn't pipe so had to settle for splodges! Disguised the amateur nature of the icing by sprinkling with chocolate curls. DS did a quality control check and pronounced them delicious...phew! Will have another go at chocolate ganache tomorrow but will not be trying to pipe it! Watched the first on the new series of Masterchef tonight...intrigued by the custard filled deep fried courgette flowers...I wonder what they're like? Looks like a single one would probably be an entire fast day's calories! :lol:

Weight at start: 105 kg; dress size UK 20
Target, 65 kg, reached 15 May 2014 - 18 months after my first fast
Current weight: 66.4 kg; dress size UK 8-10
Maintenance weight range: 64-67 kg
My method: 8 months of 5:2, remainder and maintenance 16:8 + low carbs
My story here
Follow me on Twitter @CJstGR

Nutritional coach for FastDay's sister company, Ways of Eating (
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