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5:2 not popular in Greece
03 Sep 2013, 04:38
I went to the biggest book store of Athens the other day and saw the 5:2 book sitting next to the one of Dukan. When I proceeded to check out I asked them how it's doing. There were two people, one of them didn't even understand which book I was talking about, the other one told me that they hadn't sold a single copy during the hours she is there. She said that this book is not popular at all and that everybody buys the Dukan.
Both of them (a man and a woman) showed interest and asked me many questions and told me that they will suggest it from now on.
To be honest with you, the first time when I saw the book, I was sure that it wouldn't be successful. I think I told you so. It is not appealing nor it seems interesting. It wouldn't draw my attention, not in a million years.
Anyway, perhaps now that my two book store friends will suggest it, it will do better. :oops:
Re: 5:2 not popular in Greece
03 Sep 2013, 05:33
It was supposedly slow to take off in Sweden too (I remember a couple of people posting here saying nobody over there seemed to know about it). Now the papers are full of ads, success stories and recepies.
Re: 5:2 not popular in Greece
03 Sep 2013, 06:16
IIRC it really started to take off in Australia after the episode was on tv. Having said that it is no where near as well known as Atkins, other low carb diets, traditional low fat/low calorie diets.

When you think about it given that there is not the huge marketing opportinity that selling e.g. atkins bars or shakes or exercise dvd's that the other diets also promote. Given that these other products are often heavily advertised it is also indirectly at least advertising the way of eating/diet.

One thing I love about the 5:2 way of life is that there is really nothing to buy other than your regular food and if anything you need to buy less as for two days we ony need to cater for 500 cals. I think the best promotion we can do is telling people about it (just like TML did in the bookshop) or even better let the results speak for themselves and hopefully that will have people come up and ask first.
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